Of git, get, and gud

BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
devupdated readme and vacation file locationH. P. 6 years
masterupdated readme and vacation file locationH. P. 6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2018-10-26updated readme and vacation file locationHEADmasterdevH. P. 2-5/+5
2018-10-26Added remark about common file to state specific filesH. P. 14-0/+14
2018-10-22added folder structure per year and countryH. P. 62-0/+0
2018-10-10Genfer Bettag en françaisH. P. 1-1/+1
2018-10-10fixed mistake in Allerheiligen in CHH. P. 13-13/+13
2018-10-10Addition of pseudocodes to AT and CHH. P. 1-39/+41
2018-10-09Inclusion of Switzerland in ReadmeH. P. 1-0/+31
2018-10-09Integration of Switzerland into main folderH. P. 26-0/+0
2018-10-09final day additions to swiss holidaysH. P. 26-87/+158
2018-10-09swiss holidays, WiPH. P. 27-0/+159