Of git, get, and gud

path: root/usr/local/bin
diff options
authorH. P. <harald.pfeiffer _æ_> 2018-07-10 10:15:08 +0200
committerH. P. <harald.pfeiffer _æ_> 2018-07-10 10:15:08 +0200
commitea030c23794591112a4bed384111691209a8df3c (patch)
tree2988dc7939d975d74cc2bdbe2d3b59b166463cdd /usr/local/bin
parentd3d3a31be77f6c62aef4494fa7c8cde3269d0ded (diff)
Moved KVM stuff to own repository, kvm-helper.git
Diffstat (limited to 'usr/local/bin')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/usr/local/bin/kvmhelper b/usr/local/bin/kvmhelper
deleted file mode 100755
index e24e6f5..0000000
--- a/usr/local/bin/kvmhelper
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env bash
-# Script starts or stops KVM machines or networks in your environment through virsh.
-# I.e. your environment must be set up already so you
-# - either are able to administer the system's KVM environment (qemu:///system), or
-# - have your environment variables set up so you aim at the right KVM environment
-# Future versions may explicitly ask for the QEMU URI variable and default to qemu:///system, but for
-# now we take this for granted that virsh works right for you without specific connection parameters.
-# The maximum time in seconds to wait for the net-* commands to be successful:
-# The maximum time in seconds to wait for the machine commands to be successful:
-# The interval in seconds a network should be polled for status change when executing a start/shutdown -
-# while it is called *NT*, this will also be used for starting a VM:
-# The interval in seconds a VM should be polled for status change when executing a shutdown:
-##### SCRIPT FROM HERE #####
-export SHUDDUP=0
-prsopt=$(getopt -n "$0" -o q -- "$@")
-eval "set -- $prsopt"
-while [ "$#" -gt 0 ];do
- case "$1" in
- (-q) SHUDDUP=1;shift;;
- (--) shift;break;;
- (*) exit 1;;
- esac
-KHTARGS=( "$@" )
-export QLISTNPARMS=( "--name" "--all" )
-command -V virsh >/dev/null||exit 255
-command -V tput >/dev/null||exit 255
-kh_help() {
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 1 ]&&return
- echo -n "USAGE: $(basename "$0") vm-start|vm-stop|net-start|net-stop"
-case "$KHCMD" in
- "net-start"|"net-stop"|"vm-start"|"vm-stop")
- [ "${#KHTARGS[@]}" -eq 0 ]&&echo "Please specify a target."&&kh_help&&exit 127
- ;;
- "")
- echo "Please specify a command."
- kh_help
- exit 127
- ;;
- *)
- echo "$KHCMD is not a valid command." >&2
- kh_help
- exit 127
- ;;
-kh_status() {
- # Function should be called with exit status of stop/start command or
- # "start name"/"stop name" for the initial message.
- case "$1" in
- "start")
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -ne "$(tput cub 666)[....] Starting $2...\\033[s\\033[K"||:
- ;;
- "stop")
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -ne "$(tput cub 666)[....] Shutting down $2...\\033[s\\033[K"||:
- ;;
- 255)
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -ne "$(tput cub 666)[$(tput setaf 3)WARN$(tput sgr0)]"
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -e "\\033[u\\033[K successfully force-killed. ($(tput setaf 3)warn$(tput sgr0))"||:
- ;;
- 0)
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -ne "$(tput cub 666)[$(tput setaf 2) OK $(tput sgr0)]"
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -e "\\033[u\\033[K done."||:
- ;;
- 10)
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -ne "$(tput cub 666)[$(tput setaf 7)DONE$(tput sgr0)]"
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -e "\\033[u\\033[K already done."||:
- ;;
- *)
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -ne "$(tput cub 666)[$(tput setaf 1)FAIL$(tput sgr0)]"
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -e "\\033[u\\033[K $(tput setaf 1)failed$(tput sgr0)."||:
- ;;
- esac
-kh_qstate() {
- case "$ACTGREP" in
- "") QSTATE="$(virsh "$INFOCMD" "$2" 2>/dev/null)";;
- *) QSTATE="$(virsh "$INFOCMD" "$2" 2>&1|grep "$ACTGREP"|awk '{print $NF}')";;
- esac
- case "$1" in
- "start")
- [ "$QSTATE" == "$ACTYES" ]&&return 0||return 1
- ;;
- "stop")
- [ "$QSTATE" == "$ACTNO" ]&&return 0||return 1
- ;;
- esac
-kh_exec() {
- # Function expects exactly two arguments: command and KVM net name to be started/stopped.
- # RC:
- # 1 if no argument passed or arguments invalid
- # 2 if start is unsuccessful or times out.
- FN="kh_exec"
- [ -z "$1" ]&&echo "Critical exception in $FN(): no argument passed!" >&2&&exit 1
- [ -z "$2" ]&&echo "Critical exception in $FN(): no network name passed!" >&2&&exit 1
- if ! virsh "$LISTCMD" "${QLISTNPARMS[@]}"|grep "$2" >/dev/null;then
- echo "Critical exception in $FN(): Network/VM $2 unknown!" >&2&&exit 2
- fi
- case "$1" in
- "start") kh_status start "$2";;
- "stop") kh_status stop "$2";;
- esac
- case "$1" in
- "start")
- kh_qstate start "$2"&&kh_status 10 "$2"&&return 0
- ;;
- "stop")
- kh_qstate stop "$2"&&kh_status 10 "$2"&&return 0
- ;;
- esac
- while [ "$TOELAPSE" -lt "$QWAIT" ];do
- case "$1" in
- "start") virsh "$STARTCMD" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1;;
- "stop") virsh "$STOPCMD" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1;;
- esac
- sleep "$QIVAL"
- [ "$SHUDDUP" -eq 0 ]&&echo -n "."
- case "$1" in
- "start")kh_qstate start "$2"&&break;;
- "stop")kh_qstate stop "$2"&&break;;
- esac
- done
- case "$1" in
- "start")
- if kh_qstate start "$2";then
- kh_status 0
- else
- kh_status 1;RETVAL=20
- fi
- ;;
- "stop")
- if kh_qstate stop "$2";then
- kh_status 0
- else
- virsh "$KILLCMD" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1
- if kh_qstate stop "$2";then
- kh_status 255;RETVAL=255
- else
- kh_status 1;RETVAL=20
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-kh_filter() {
- # Function expects exactly two arguments: command and KVM net name to be started/stopped.
- # This works as a pre-filter for knstart and knstop
- # RC:
- # 1 if no argument, no network name passed, or wrong syntax
- # 2 if network/VM does not exist
- # 3 if network/VM cannot be started
- # 4 if network/VM state is not determinable
- FN="kh_filter"
- [ -z "$1" ]&&echo "Critical exception in $FN(): no argument passed!" >&2&&exit 1
- [ -z "$2" ]&&echo "Critical exception in $FN(): no action specified!" >&2&&exit 1
- [ -z "$3" ]&&echo "Critical exception in $FN(): no network/VM name passed!" >&2&&exit 1
- case "$1" in
- "net")
- INFOCMD="net-info"; STARTCMD="net-start"
- STOPCMD="net-destroy"; ACTGREP="^Active:"
- ACTYES="yes"; ACTNO="no"
- ;;
- "vm")
- INFOCMD="domstate"; STARTCMD="start"
- STOPCMD="shutdown"; #ACTGREP="^State:"
- ACTYES="running"; ACTNO="shut off"
- KILLCMD="destroy"; LISTCMD="list"
- [ "$2" == "start" ]&&QIVAL="$KHNTIVAL"
- ;;
- esac
- case "$2" in
- "start") kh_exec start "$3";;
- "stop") kh_exec stop "$3";;
- *) echo "Invalid action $2 to $FN()!" >&2&&exit 1;;
- esac
-[ ${#KHTARGS} -eq 0 ]&&echo "No VM/network specified, aborting." >&2&&exit 127
-for i in "${KHTARGS[@]}";do
- case "$KHCMD" in
- "net-stop") kh_filter net stop "$i"||RETVAL="$((RETVAL+1))";;
- "net-start") kh_filter net start "$i"||RETVAL="$((RETVAL+1))";;
- "vm-stop") kh_filter vm stop "$i"||RETVAL="$((RETVAL+1))";;
- "vm-start") kh_filter vm start "$i"||RETVAL="$((RETVAL+1))";;
- esac
-exit "$RETVAL"