Of git, get, and gud

path: root/bin
diff options
authorH. P. <harald.pfeiffer _æ_> 2020-01-10 16:08:31 +0100
committerH. P. <harald.pfeiffer _æ_> 2020-01-10 16:08:31 +0100
commitc008a81884dae827388d1d7be5ff09ebb92515a4 (patch)
treed65f27896da144db3f1c064289910e2d0a995a26 /bin
parent737cf3c79a03489a53b250cf53cf2a8f53f603a4 (diff)
small script for SQL backups, on-demand quality
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/sqlbackup b/bin/sqlbackup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..890f2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/sqlbackup
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# AUTHOR: Harald Pfeiffer <>
+# Version: 0.1
+# Small aka. rather quick and dirty script to backup your SQL databases.
+# What this script does is looking for existing databases and backup all of them.
+# The result will be sql.xz files inside /tmp/sqlbackup.XXXXXX.
+# TO-DOS:
+# 1. Create possibilities to define the following through CLI options:
+# --- DONE --- 1.1. MySQL user, and password command(!)
+# 1.2. DB exclusion regex
+# 1.3. Location of configuration file or log
+function help {
+ printf "USAGE: %b [-h] [-l] [-b DIR] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD]\n\n" "$(basename "$0")"
+ printf -- "-h:\tThis help\n"
+ printf -- "-b:\tBackup target directory\n"
+ printf -- "-l:\tLog to syslog\n"
+ printf -- "-p:\tPassword string for MySQL user (hint: use a command for this!)\n"
+ printf -- "-u:\tUser in MySQL designated for backups\n"
+function mlogger {
+ [ -z "$2" ]&&return 1
+ [ -z "$1" ]&&return 1
+ logger -t "sqlbackup" -p "local3.""$1" "$2"
+function bstatus {
+ case "$CURDB" in
+ "") printf "Status: Preparing backup.\n";;
+ *) printf "Status: Backing up %b.\n" "$CURDB";;
+ esac
+function bkillme {
+ printf "\n[CRIT] Got a termination signal, committing sudoku...\n"
+ [ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&mlogger warning "Terminating on external request"
+ exit 130
+trap bkillme SIGINT
+trap bkillme SIGKILL
+trap bkillme SIGTERM
+trap bstatus USR1
+while getopts :hld:u:p:q SHOPT;do
+ case "$SHOPT" in
+ h) help;exit 0;;
+ l) LOGGER=1;;
+ b) BDIR="${OPTARG}";;
+ d) DBFDIR="${OPTARG}";;
+ u) BUSER="${OPTARG}";;
+ p) BPW="${OPTARG}";;
+ q) SCHANAUZE=1;;
+ *)
+ help
+ printf "\n[ ]\033[s%b Not an option or empty parameter: -%b\n" \
+ "$NEE" "$OPTARG" >&2
+ #[ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&\
+ mlogger err "Not an option or empty parameter: -$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND-1))
+[ "$PRMERR" -gt 0 ]&&exit 1
+# Leave this line alone - location of script
+MYDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"&&pwd)"
+# The backup directory. The line here means we will create /tmp/sqlbackup.XXXXXX
+# and backup there. If you want another value, enter this here.
+if [ -z "$BDIR" ];then
+ BDIR="$(mktemp -d /tmp/sqlbackup.XXXXXX)"||exit 187
+# The backup user:
+[ -z "$BUSER" ]&&BUSER="tVY8MwA7cTEm"
+# Password file. For now, this is unencrypted, so please make this file secure!
+# Expects just the password, one line. Also, you will want to use a dedicated
+# user for that:
+# GRANT SELECT, SHOW DATABASES, LOCK TABLES ON *.* TO 'backupheiner'@'localhost';
+if [ -z "$BPW" ];then
+ PWFL="/etc/sqlbackup/pw"
+ if [ ! -r "$PWFL" ];then
+ help
+ printf "\n[ ]\033[s%b %b not readable, no password supplied!\n" "$NEE" "$PWFL" >&2
+ [ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&\
+ mlogger err "$PWFL not readable, no password supplied"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Location of the mysql/maria db files, default: /var/lib/mysql. No trailing slashes.
+[ -z "$DBFDIR" ]&&DBFDIR="/var/lib/mysql"
+# Databases to be excluded. Meant to work with grep -P, i.e. perl regular expressions.
+# The minimum is to separate any database with the pipe character (|).
+# Caution: an empty variable will backup nothing.
+# The default line excludes the MySQL internal databases:
+# Very offensive backup, meaning even internals - should exclude information_schema:
+# MYSQL #
+DUMPOPTS=( "--add-drop-table" "--add-locks" )
+DUMPOPTS+=( "--complete-insert" "--create-options" "--max_allowed_packet=512M" )
+# Flush on backup of every subordinate db would create too many new files.
+# Hence, commented out.
+#DUMPOPTS+=( "--flush-logs" )
+ISAM_DUMPOPTS=( ${DUMPOPTS[@]} "--lock-tables" )
+INNO_DUMPOPTS=( ${DUMPOPTS[@]} "--single-transaction" )
+OGE="\033[666D[ \033[0;32mOK \033[0m]\033[u\033[K"
+[ -z "$BDIR" ]&&printf "No backup directory specified!" >&2&&exit 191
+mkdir -p "$BDIR"&&chmod 0700 "$BDIR"||exit 188
+touch "$BLOG"||exit 189
+chmod 0600 "$BLOG"||exit 190
+TIME="$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")"
+[ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf "File timestamp: %s\n" "$TIME"
+printf "File timestamp: %s\n" "$TIME" > "$BLOG"
+# Flush prior to backups, do not purge.
+[ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&mlogger info "flushing logs"
+mysql --user="$BUSER" --password="$(cat $PWFL)" -e "flush logs \\G"
+LOGPOS="$(mysql --user="$BUSER" --password="$(cat $PWFL)" -e "show master status \G"|grep Position|awk '{print $NF}')"
+[ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf "Log position: %s\n" "$LOGPOS"
+printf "Log position: %s\n" "$LOGPOS" > "$BLOG"
+# Get latest non-relay binary log:
+find "$DBFDIR" -maxdepth 1 -cmin 2 >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ "$?" -ne 0 ];then
+ [ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf "[ ]\033[s%b Failed to read %b for binary logs.\n" "$NEE" "$DBFDIR"
+ [ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&mlogger err "Failed to read $DBFDIR for binary logs."
+ exit 127
+BINLOGF="$(find "$DBFDIR" -maxdepth 1 -nowarn -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*-bin\.[0-9]+$"|grep -v relay-bin|awk -F\. '{print $NF,$0}'|sort -n|cut -f2- -d' '|tail -1)"
+BINLOGF="$(basename "$BINLOGF")"
+[ -z "$BINLOGF" ]&&exit 127
+DBARR=( $(mysql -u "$BUSER" --password="$(cat $PWFL)" -e "show databases \\G"|grep ^Data|awk '{print $NF}'|grep -vP "$NODB") )
+[ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf "\nDatabases being backed up\n======================\n"
+[ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&for i in ${DBARR[@]};do
+ echo -n "$i"
+ case "$(( j % 3 ))" in
+ 0) echo " " ;;
+ *) echo -n ";";;
+ esac
+ j="$((j+1))"
+done|column -ts\;
+[ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf "\n"
+[ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf "Current binary log: %b\n\n" "$BINLOGF"
+for i in "${DBARR[@]}";do
+ CURDB="$i"
+ [ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf "[....] Backing up database %s.\033[s..\033[0m" "$i"
+ [ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&mlogger info "backing up database $i"
+ sleep 0.1337
+ [ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf ".. \033[u\033[K \033[1;30mdump running...\033[0m"
+ if ( [ "$i" == "mysql" ] || [ "$i" == "information_schema" ] || [ "$i" == "performance_schema" ] );then
+ mysqldump "${ISAM_DUMPOPTS[@]}" -u "$BUSER" --password="$(cat "$PWFL")" --databases "$i" > "$BDIR/$i-$TIME.sql" 2> "$BLOG"
+ else
+ mysqldump "${INNO_DUMPOPTS[@]}" -u "$BUSER" --password="$(cat "$PWFL")" --databases "$i" > "$BDIR/$i-$TIME.sql" 2> "$BLOG"
+ fi
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ];then
+ [ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&mlogger err "backup of $i failed, check $BLOG"
+ [ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&echo -e "$NEE"
+ [ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&mlogger err "backup failed, check $BLOG"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ sleep 0.1337
+ [ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf ".. \033[u\033[K \033[1;30mcompression running...\033[0m"
+ xz "$BDIR/$i-$TIME.sql"&&chmod 0600 "$BDIR/$i-$TIME.sql.xz"
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ];then
+ [ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&echo -e "$NEE"
+ [ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&mlogger err "compression failed, check $BLOG"
+ exit 3
+ fi
+ sleep 0.1337
+ echo -e "$OGE"
+[ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&printf "[....] Purging binary logs.\033[s..\033[0m"
+mysql --user="$BUSER" --password="$(cat $PWFL)" -e "purge binary logs to \"$BINLOGF\" \\G"
+if [ "$?" -ne 0 ];then
+ [ "$SCHANAUZE" -ne 1 ]&&echo -e "$NEE"
+ [ ! -z "$LOGGER" ]&&[ "$LOGGER" -eq 1 ]&&mlogger err "purging of binary logs failed, check $BLOG"
+ exit 3
+sleep 0.1337
+echo -e "$OGE"