Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/pmp-check-mysql-status
diff options
authorH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
committerH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
commit1e2387474a449452b78520b9ad96a8b4b5e99722 (patch)
tree836889471eec7d2aac177405068e2a8f1e2b1978 /nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/pmp-check-mysql-status
initial commit of source fetch
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/pmp-check-mysql-status')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/pmp-check-mysql-status b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/pmp-check-mysql-status
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..89c2a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/pmp-check-mysql-status
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# ########################################################################
+# This program is part of $PROJECT_NAME$
+# License: GPL License (see COPYING)
+# Authors:
+# Baron Schwartz, Roman Vynar
+# ########################################################################
+# ########################################################################
+# Redirect STDERR to STDOUT; Nagios doesn't handle STDERR.
+# ########################################################################
+exec 2>&1
+# ########################################################################
+# Set up constants, etc.
+# ########################################################################
+# ########################################################################
+# Run the program.
+# ########################################################################
+main() {
+ # Get options
+ for o; do
+ case "${o}" in
+ -c) shift; OPT_CRIT="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ --defaults-file) shift; OPT_DEFT="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -C) shift; OPT_COMP="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -H) shift; OPT_HOST="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -I) shift; OPT_INCR="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -l) shift; OPT_USER="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -L) shift; OPT_LOPA="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -o) shift; OPT_OPER="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -p) shift; OPT_PASS="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -P) shift; OPT_PORT="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -S) shift; OPT_SOCK="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -T) shift; OPT_TRAN="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -w) shift; OPT_WARN="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -x) shift; OPT_VAR1="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ -y) shift; OPT_VAR2="${1}"; shift; ;;
+ --version) grep -A2 '^=head1 VERSION' "$0" | tail -n1; exit 0 ;;
+ --help) perl -00 -ne 'm/^ Usage:/ && print' "$0"; exit 0 ;;
+ -*) echo "Unknown option ${o}. Try --help."; exit 1; ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Set default option values
+ OPT_COMP="${OPT_COMP:->=}"
+ if [ -e '/etc/nagios/mysql.cnf' ]; then
+ OPT_DEFT="${OPT_DEFT:-/etc/nagios/mysql.cnf}"
+ fi
+ if is_not_sourced; then
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ echo "WARN spurious command-line options: $@"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Validate the options.
+ OPT_ERR=""
+ if [ -z "${OPT_CRIT}${OPT_WARN}" ]; then
+ OPT_ERR="you must specify either -c or -w"
+ elif [ -z "${OPT_VAR1}" ]; then
+ OPT_ERR="you must specify -x"
+ elif [ "${OPT_OPER}" -a -z "${OPT_VAR2}" ]; then
+ OPT_ERR="you specified -o but not -y"
+ elif [ "${OPT_VAR2}" -a -z "${OPT_OPER}" ]; then
+ OPT_ERR="you specified -y but not -o"
+ elif [ "${OPT_TRAN}" = 'pct' -a -z "${OPT_VAR2}" ]; then
+ OPT_ERR="you specified -T pct but not -y"
+ elif [ "${OPT_TRAN}" ]; then
+ case "${OPT_TRAN}" in
+ pct|str)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ OPT_ERR="-T must be one of: pct str"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ case "${OPT_COMP}" in
+ '=='|'!='|'>='|'>'|'<'|'<=')
+ ;;
+ *)
+ OPT_ERR="-C must be one of: == != >= > < <="
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "${OPT_OPER}" ]; then
+ case "${OPT_OPER}" in
+ /|'*'|+|-)
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ OPT_ERR="-o must be one of: / * + -"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if [ "${OPT_ERR}" ]; then
+ echo "Error: $OPT_ERR. Try --help."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ NOTE="UNK could not evaluate the expression."
+ # Set up a temporary file
+ local TEMP1=$(mktemp -t "${0##*/}.XXXXXX") || exit $?
+ local TEMP2=$(mktemp -t "${0##*/}.XXXXXX") || exit $?
+ trap "rm -f '${TEMP1}' '${TEMP2}' >/dev/null 2>&1" EXIT
+ if get_status_variables "${TEMP1}" "${TEMP2}" "${OPT_INCR}"; then
+ LEVEL=$(compute_result "${TEMP1}" "${OPT_VAR1}" "${OPT_OPER}" "${OPT_VAR2}" "${OPT_TRAN}")
+ if [ $? = 0 -a -n "${LEVEL}" ]; then
+ NOTE="${NOTE} = ${LEVEL}"
+ # XXX Make sure this line and the "case" don't get separated.
+ compare_result "${LEVEL}" "${OPT_CRIT}" "${OPT_WARN}" "${OPT_COMP}" "${OPT_TRAN}"
+ case $? in
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Build the common perf data output for graph trending
+ if [ "${OPT_TRAN}" = 'pct' ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ NOTE="UNK could not get MySQL status/variables."
+ fi
+ echo $NOTE
+# ########################################################################
+# Execute a MySQL command.
+# ########################################################################
+mysql_exec() {
+ mysql ${OPT_DEFT:+--defaults-file="${OPT_DEFT}"} \
+ ${OPT_LOPA:+--login-path="${OPT_LOPA}"} \
+ ${OPT_HOST:+-h"${OPT_HOST}"} ${OPT_PORT:+-P"${OPT_PORT}"} \
+ ${OPT_USER:+-u"${OPT_USER}"} ${OPT_PASS:+-p"${OPT_PASS}"} \
+ ${OPT_SOCK:+-S"${OPT_SOCK}"} -ss -e "$1"
+# ########################################################################
+# Compares the variable to the thresholds. Arguments: VAR CRIT WARN CMP TRAN
+# Returns nothing; exits with OK/WARN/CRIT.
+# ########################################################################
+compare_result() {
+ local VAR="${1}"
+ local CRIT="${2}"
+ local WARN="${3}"
+ local CMP="${4}"
+ local TRAN="${5}"
+ echo 1 | awk "END {
+ if ( \"${CRIT}\" != \"\" ) {
+ if ( \"${TRAN}\" == \"str\" ) {
+ if ( \"${VAR}\" ${CMP} \"${CRIT:-0}\" ) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( ${VAR} ${CMP} ${CRIT:-0} ) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( \"${WARN}\" != \"\" ) {
+ if ( \"${TRAN}\" == \"str\" ) {
+ if ( \"${VAR}\" ${CMP} \"${WARN:-0}\" ) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( ${VAR} ${CMP} ${WARN:-0} ) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exit $STATE_OK
+ }"
+# ########################################################################
+# Computes an expression against the file of variables. Returns a float.
+# Arguments: TEMP VAR1 OPER VAR2 TRAN
+# ########################################################################
+compute_result() {
+ local TEMP="$1"
+ local VAR1="$2"
+ local OPER="$3"
+ local VAR2="$4"
+ local TRAN="$5"
+ if [ "${VAR2}" ]; then
+ # Extract two variables, apply an operator, and possibly apply a
+ # transform.
+ awk -F'\t' "
+ got1 = \"Could not find variable ${VAR1}\";
+ got2 = \"Could not find variable ${VAR2}\";
+ }
+ \$1 == \"${VAR1}\" {
+ var1 = \$2;
+ got1 = \"\";
+ }
+ \$1 == \"${VAR2}\" {
+ var2 = \$2;
+ got2 = \"\";
+ }
+ END {
+ if ( got1 == \"\" && got2 == \"\" ) {
+ if ( var2 == 0 && \"${OPER}\" == \"/\" ) {
+ # Divide-by-zero; make the result simply 0
+ val = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ val = var1 ${OPER} var2;
+ }
+ if ( \"${TRAN}\" == \"pct\" ) {
+ val = val * 100;
+ }
+ if ( val ~ /\.[0-9]/ ) {
+ printf \"%.6f\\n\", val;
+ }
+ else {
+ print val;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print got1, got2 | \"cat 1>&2\";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ " "${TEMP}"
+ else
+ # This is the simplest case. We're just extracting a single variable and
+ # returning it.
+ awk -F'\t' -v var1="${VAR1}" '
+ got = 0;
+ }
+ $1 == var1 {
+ val = $2;
+ got = 1;
+ }
+ END {
+ if ( got == 1 ) {
+ print val;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Unknown variable", var1 | "cat 1>&2";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ' "${TEMP}"
+ fi
+# ########################################################################
+# Gets status variables. The first argument is the file to store the results.
+# Optional second argument is another temp file.
+# Optional third argument makes SHOW STATUS incremental/relative, and has the
+# added effect of filtering out non-numeric variables.
+# ########################################################################
+get_status_variables() {
+ if [ "$3" ]; then
+ mysql_exec "SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL*/ STATUS" > "${2}" || exit 1
+ sleep "$3"
+ # Technically we ought to use another temp file, and check the return
+ # status of this mysql_exec, but if the first one worked it's likely that
+ # this one will too.
+ mysql_exec "SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL*/ STATUS" | cat "${2}" - \
+ | awk -F'\t' '
+ /Aborted_clients/ { seen++; }
+ {
+ if ( seen > 1 && $2 !~ /[^0-9.]/ ) {
+ print $1 "\t" $2 - var[$1];
+ }
+ else {
+ var[$1] = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ ' > "${1}"
+ else
+ mysql_exec "SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL*/ STATUS" > "${1}" || exit 1
+ fi
+ mysql_exec "SHOW /*!40101 GLOBAL*/ VARIABLES" >> "${1}"
+# ########################################################################
+# Determine whether this program is being executed directly, or sourced/included
+# from another file.
+# ########################################################################
+is_not_sourced() {
+ [ "${0##*/}" = "pmp-check-mysql-status" ] || [ "${0##*/}" = "bash" -a "$_" = "$0" ]
+# ########################################################################
+# Execute the program if it was not included from another file.
+# This makes it possible to include without executing, and thus test.
+# ########################################################################
+if is_not_sourced; then
+ OUTPUT=$(main "$@")
+ case "${OUTPUT}" in
+ esac
+ echo "${OUTPUT}"
+# ############################################################################
+# Documentation
+# ############################################################################
+=head1 NAME
+pmp-check-mysql-status - Check MySQL SHOW GLOBAL STATUS output.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ Usage: pmp-check-mysql-status [OPTIONS]
+ Options:
+ -c CRIT Critical threshold.
+ --defaults-file FILE Only read mysql options from the given file.
+ Defaults to /etc/nagios/mysql.cnf if it exists.
+ -C COMPARE Comparison operator to apply to -c and -w.
+ Possible values: == != >= > < <=. Default >=.
+ -H HOST MySQL hostname.
+ -I INCR Make SHOW STATUS incremental over this delay.
+ -l USER MySQL username.
+ -L LOGIN-PATH Use login-path to access MySQL (with MySQL client 5.6).
+ -o OPERATOR The operator to apply to -x and -y.
+ -p PASS MySQL password.
+ -P PORT MySQL port.
+ -S SOCKET MySQL socket file.
+ -T TRANS Transformation to apply before comparing to -c and -w.
+ Possible values: pct str.
+ -w WARN Warning threshold.
+ -x VAR1 Required first status or configuration variable.
+ -y VAR2 Optional second status or configuration variable.
+ --help Print help and exit.
+ --version Print version and exit.
+ Options must be given as --option value, not --option=value or -Ovalue.
+ Use perldoc to read embedded documentation with more details.
+This Nagios plugin captures SHOW GLOBAL STATUS and SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES from
+MySQL and evaluates expressions against them. The general syntax is as follows:
+The result of evaluating this is compared against the -w and -c options as usual
+to determine whether to raise a warning or critical alert.
+Note that all of the examples provided below are simply for illustrative
+purposes and are not supposed to be recommendations for what to monitor. You
+should get advice from a professional if you are not sure what you should be
+For our first example, we will raise a warning if Threads_running is 20 or over,
+and a critical alert if it is 40 or over:
+ -x Threads_running -w 20 -c 40
+The threshold is implemented as greater-or-equals by default, not strictly
+greater-than, so a value of 20 is a warning and a value of 40 is critical. You
+can switch this to less-or-equals or other operators with the -C option, which
+accepts the arithmetic comparison operators ==, !=, >, >=, <, and <=.
+You can use any variable that is present in SHOW VARIABLES or SHOW STATUS. If
+the variable is not found, there is an error. To warn if Threads_connected
+exceeds 80% of max_connections:
+ -x Threads_connected -o / -y max_connections -T pct -w 80
+The -T C<pct> option only works when you specify both -x and -y and implements
+percentage transformation. The plugin uses awk to do its
+computations and comparisons, so you can use floating-point math; you are not
+restricted to integers for comparisons. Floating-point numbers are printed with
+six digits of precision. The -o option accepts the arithmetic operators /, *,
++, and -. A division by zero results in zero, not an error.
+If you specify the -I option with an integer argument, the SHOW STATUS values
+become incremental instead of absolute. The argument is used as a delay in
+seconds, and instead of capturing a single sample of SHOW STATUS and using it
+for computations, the plugin captures two samples at the specified interval and
+subtracts the second from the first. This lets you evaluate expressions over a
+range of time. For example, to warn when there are 10 disk-based temporary
+tables per second, over a 5-second sampling period:
+ -x Created_tmp_disk_tables -o / -y Uptime -I 5 -w 10
+That is somewhat contrived, because it could also be written as follows:
+ -x Created_tmp_disk_tables -I 5 -w 50
+The -I option has the side effect of removing any non-numeric SHOW STATUS
+variables. Be careful not to set the -I option too large, or Nagios will simply
+time the plugin out, usually after about 10 seconds.
+This plugin does not support arbitrarily complex expressions, such as computing
+the query cache hit ratio and alerting if it is less than some percentage. If
+you are trying to do that, you might be doing it wrong. A dubious example for
+the query cache might be to alert if the hit-to-insert ratio falls below 2:1, as
+ -x Qcache_hits -o / -y Qcache_inserts -C '<' -w 2
+Some people might suggest that the following is a more useful alert for the
+query cache:
+ -x query_cache_size -c 1
+To check Percona XtraDB Cluster node status you may want to use the following
+alert similar to what its clustercheck does:
+ -x wsrep_local_state -C '!=' -w 4
+To compare string variables use -T C<str> transformation. This is required as
+numeric and string comparisons are handled differently. The following example
+warns when the slave_exec_mode is IDEMPOTENT:
+ -x slave_exec_mode -C '==' -T str -w IDEMPOTENT
+This plugin executes the following commands against MySQL:
+=item *
+=item *
+This plugin executes no UNIX commands that may need special privileges.
+This program is copyright 2012-$CURRENT_YEAR$ Baron Schwartz, 2012-$CURRENT_YEAR$ Percona Inc.
+Feedback and improvements are welcome.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, version 2. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
+Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+=head1 VERSION
+$PROJECT_NAME$ pmp-check-mysql-status $VERSION$