Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/
diff options
authorH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
committerH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
commit1e2387474a449452b78520b9ad96a8b4b5e99722 (patch)
tree836889471eec7d2aac177405068e2a8f1e2b1978 /nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/
initial commit of source fetch
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/')
1 files changed, 562 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..73b7660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/percona-nagios-plugins/nagios/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Nagios plugin for Amazon RDS monitoring.
+This program is part of $PROJECT_NAME$
+License: GPL License (see COPYING)
+Author Roman Vynar
+Copyright 2014-2015 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates
+import datetime
+import optparse
+import pprint
+import sys
+import boto
+import boto.rds
+import boto.ec2.cloudwatch
+# Nagios status codes
+OK = 0
+class RDS(object):
+ """RDS connection class"""
+ def __init__(self, region, profile=None, identifier=None):
+ """Get RDS instance details"""
+ self.region = region
+ self.profile = profile
+ self.identifier = identifier
+ if self.region == 'all':
+ self.regions_list = [ for reg in boto.rds.regions()]
+ else:
+ self.regions_list = [self.region]
+ = None
+ if self.identifier:
+ for reg in self.regions_list:
+ try:
+ rds = boto.rds.connect_to_region(reg, profile_name=self.profile)
+ = rds.get_all_dbinstances(self.identifier)
+ except (boto.provider.ProfileNotFoundError, boto.exception.BotoServerError) as msg:
+ debug(msg)
+ else:
+ # Exit on the first region and identifier match
+ self.region = reg
+ break
+ def get_info(self):
+ """Get RDS instance info"""
+ if
+ return[0]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def get_list(self):
+ """Get list of available instances by region(s)"""
+ result = dict()
+ for reg in self.regions_list:
+ try:
+ rds = boto.rds.connect_to_region(reg, profile_name=self.profile)
+ result[reg] = rds.get_all_dbinstances()
+ except (boto.provider.ProfileNotFoundError, boto.exception.BotoServerError) as msg:
+ debug(msg)
+ return result
+ def get_metric(self, metric, start_time, end_time, step):
+ """Get RDS metric from CloudWatch"""
+ cw_conn = boto.ec2.cloudwatch.connect_to_region(self.region, profile_name=self.profile)
+ result = cw_conn.get_metric_statistics(
+ step,
+ start_time,
+ end_time,
+ metric,
+ 'AWS/RDS',
+ 'Average',
+ dimensions={'DBInstanceIdentifier': [self.identifier]}
+ )
+ if result:
+ if len(result) > 1:
+ # Get the last point
+ result = sorted(result, key=lambda k: k['Timestamp'])
+ result.reverse()
+ result = float('%.2f' % result[0]['Average'])
+ return result
+def debug(val):
+ """Debugging output"""
+ global options
+ if options.debug:
+ print 'DEBUG: %s' % val
+def main():
+ """Main function"""
+ global options
+ short_status = {
+ OK: 'OK',
+ }
+ # DB instance classes as listed on
+ #
+ db_classes = {
+ 'db.t1.micro': 0.615,
+ 'db.m1.small': 1.7,
+ 'db.m1.medium': 3.75,
+ 'db.m1.large': 7.5,
+ 'db.m1.xlarge': 15,
+ 'db.m4.large': 8,
+ 'db.m4.xlarge': 16,
+ 'db.m4.2xlarge': 32,
+ 'db.m4.4xlarge': 64,
+ 'db.m4.10xlarge': 160,
+ 'db.r3.large': 15,
+ 'db.r3.xlarge': 30.5,
+ 'db.r3.2xlarge': 61,
+ 'db.r3.4xlarge': 122,
+ 'db.r3.8xlarge': 244,
+ 'db.t2.micro': 1,
+ 'db.t2.small': 2,
+ 'db.t2.medium': 4,
+ 'db.t2.large': 8,
+ 'db.m3.medium': 3.75,
+ 'db.m3.large': 7.5,
+ 'db.m3.xlarge': 15,
+ 'db.m3.2xlarge': 30,
+ 'db.m2.xlarge': 17.1,
+ 'db.m2.2xlarge': 34.2,
+ 'db.m2.4xlarge': 68.4,
+ 'db.cr1.8xlarge': 244,
+ }
+ # RDS metrics
+ metrics = {
+ 'status': 'RDS availability',
+ 'load': 'CPUUtilization',
+ 'memory': 'FreeableMemory',
+ 'storage': 'FreeStorageSpace'
+ }
+ units = ('percent', 'GB')
+ # Parse options
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('-l', '--list', help='list of all DB instances',
+ action='store_true', default=False, dest='db_list')
+ parser.add_option('-n', '--profile', default=None,
+ help='AWS profile from ~/.boto or /etc/boto.cfg. Default: None, fallbacks to "[Credentials]".')
+ parser.add_option('-r', '--region', default='us-east-1',
+ help='AWS region. Default: us-east-1. If set to "all", we try to detect the instance region '
+ 'across all of them, note this will be slower than if you specify the region explicitly.')
+ parser.add_option('-i', '--ident', help='DB instance identifier')
+ parser.add_option('-p', '--print', help='print status and other details for a given DB instance',
+ action='store_true', default=False, dest='printinfo')
+ parser.add_option('-m', '--metric', help='metric to check: [%s]' % ', '.join(metrics.keys()))
+ parser.add_option('-w', '--warn', help='warning threshold')
+ parser.add_option('-c', '--crit', help='critical threshold')
+ parser.add_option('-u', '--unit', help='unit of thresholds for "storage" and "memory" metrics: [%s].'
+ 'Default: percent' % ', '.join(units), default='percent')
+ parser.add_option('-t', '--time', help='time period in minutes to query. Default: 5',
+ type='int', default=5)
+ parser.add_option('-a', '--avg', help='time average in minutes to request. Default: 1',
+ type='int', default=1)
+ parser.add_option('-f', '--forceunknown', help='force alerts on unknown status. This prevents issues related to '
+ 'AWS Cloudwatch throttling limits Default: False',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', help='enable debug output',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ options, _ = parser.parse_args()
+ if options.debug:
+ boto.set_stream_logger('boto')
+ rds = RDS(region=options.region, profile=options.profile, identifier=options.ident)
+ # Check args
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit()
+ elif options.db_list:
+ info = rds.get_list()
+ print 'List of all DB instances in %s region(s):' % (options.region,)
+ pprint.pprint(info)
+ sys.exit()
+ elif not options.ident:
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error('DB identifier is not set.')
+ elif options.printinfo:
+ info = rds.get_info()
+ if info:
+ pprint.pprint(vars(info))
+ else:
+ print 'No DB instance "%s" found on your AWS account and %s region(s).' % (options.ident, options.region)
+ sys.exit()
+ elif not options.metric or options.metric not in metrics.keys():
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error('Metric is not set or not valid.')
+ elif not options.warn and options.metric != 'status':
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error('Warning threshold is not set.')
+ elif not options.crit and options.metric != 'status':
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error('Critical threshold is not set.')
+ elif options.avg <= 0 and options.metric != 'status':
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error('Average must be greater than zero.')
+ elif options.time <= 0 and options.metric != 'status':
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error('Time must be greater than zero.')
+ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ status = None
+ note = ''
+ perf_data = None
+ # RDS Status
+ if options.metric == 'status':
+ info = rds.get_info()
+ if not info:
+ status = UNKNOWN
+ note = 'Unable to get RDS instance'
+ else:
+ status = OK
+ try:
+ version = info.EngineVersion
+ except:
+ version = info.engine_version
+ note = '%s %s. Status: %s' % (info.engine, version, info.status)
+ # RDS Load Average
+ elif options.metric == 'load':
+ # Check thresholds
+ try:
+ warns = [float(x) for x in options.warn.split(',')]
+ crits = [float(x) for x in options.crit.split(',')]
+ fail = len(warns) + len(crits)
+ except:
+ fail = 0
+ if fail != 6:
+ parser.error('Warning and critical thresholds should be 3 comma separated numbers, e.g. 20,15,10')
+ loads = []
+ fail = False
+ j = 0
+ perf_data = []
+ for i in [1, 5, 15]:
+ if i == 1:
+ # Some stats are delaying to update on CloudWatch.
+ # Let's pick a few points for 1-min load avg and get the last point.
+ points = 5
+ else:
+ points = i
+ load = rds.get_metric(metrics[options.metric], now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=points * 60), now, i * 60)
+ if not load:
+ status = UNKNOWN
+ note = 'Unable to get RDS statistics'
+ perf_data = None
+ break
+ loads.append(str(load))
+ perf_data.append('load%s=%s;%s;%s;0;100' % (i, load, warns[j], crits[j]))
+ # Compare thresholds
+ if not fail:
+ if warns[j] > crits[j]:
+ parser.error('Parameter inconsistency: warning threshold is greater than critical.')
+ elif load >= crits[j]:
+ status = CRITICAL
+ fail = True
+ elif load >= warns[j]:
+ status = WARNING
+ j = j + 1
+ if status != UNKNOWN:
+ if status is None:
+ status = OK
+ note = 'Load average: %s%%' % '%, '.join(loads)
+ perf_data = ' '.join(perf_data)
+ # RDS Free Storage
+ # RDS Free Memory
+ elif options.metric in ['storage', 'memory']:
+ # Check thresholds
+ try:
+ warn = float(options.warn)
+ crit = float(options.crit)
+ except:
+ parser.error('Warning and critical thresholds should be integers.')
+ if crit > warn:
+ parser.error('Parameter inconsistency: critical threshold is greater than warning.')
+ if options.unit not in units:
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error('Unit is not valid.')
+ info = rds.get_info()
+ free = rds.get_metric(metrics[options.metric], now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=options.time * 60),
+ now, options.avg * 60)
+ if not info or not free:
+ status = UNKNOWN
+ note = 'Unable to get RDS details and statistics'
+ else:
+ if options.metric == 'storage':
+ storage = float(info.allocated_storage)
+ elif options.metric == 'memory':
+ try:
+ storage = db_classes[info.instance_class]
+ except:
+ print 'Unknown DB instance class "%s"' % info.instance_class
+ sys.exit(CRITICAL)
+ free = '%.2f' % (free / 1024 ** 3)
+ free_pct = '%.2f' % (float(free) / storage * 100)
+ if options.unit == 'percent':
+ val = float(free_pct)
+ val_max = 100
+ elif options.unit == 'GB':
+ val = float(free)
+ val_max = storage
+ # Compare thresholds
+ if val <= crit:
+ status = CRITICAL
+ elif val <= warn:
+ status = WARNING
+ if status is None:
+ status = OK
+ note = 'Free %s: %s GB (%.0f%%) of %s GB' % (options.metric, free, float(free_pct), storage)
+ perf_data = 'free_%s=%s;%s;%s;0;%s' % (options.metric, val, warn, crit, val_max)
+ # Final output
+ if status != UNKNOWN and perf_data:
+ print '%s %s | %s' % (short_status[status], note, perf_data)
+ elif status == UNKNOWN and not options.forceunknown:
+ print '%s %s | null' % ('OK', note)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print '%s %s' % (short_status[status], note)
+ sys.exit(status)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+# ############################################################################
+# Documentation
+# ############################################################################
+=head1 NAME
+ - Check Amazon RDS metrics.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ Usage: [options]
+ Options:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -l, --list list of all DB instances
+ -n PROFILE, --profile-name=PROFILE
+ AWS profile from ~/.boto or /etc/boto.cfg. Default:
+ None, fallbacks to "[Credentials]".
+ -r REGION, --region=REGION
+ AWS region. Default: us-east-1. If set to "all", we
+ try to detect the instance region across all of them,
+ note this will be slower than you specify the region.
+ -i IDENT, --ident=IDENT
+ DB instance identifier
+ -p, --print print status and other details for a given DB instance
+ -m METRIC, --metric=METRIC
+ metric to check: [status, load, storage, memory]
+ -w WARN, --warn=WARN warning threshold
+ -c CRIT, --crit=CRIT critical threshold
+ -u UNIT, --unit=UNIT unit of thresholds for "storage" and "memory" metrics:
+ [percent, GB]. Default: percent
+ -t TIME, --time=TIME time period in minutes to query. Default: 5
+ -a AVG, --avg=AVG time average in minutes to request. Default: 1
+ -f, --forceunknown force alerts on unknown status. This prevents issues
+ related to AWS Cloudwatch throttling limits Default:
+ False
+ -d, --debug enable debug output
+This plugin is written on Python and utilizes the module C<boto> (Python interface
+to Amazon Web Services) to get various RDS metrics from CloudWatch and compare
+them against the thresholds.
+* Install the package: C<yum install python-boto> or C<apt-get install python-boto>
+* Create a config /etc/boto.cfg or ~nagios/.boto with your AWS API credentials.
+ See
+This plugin that is supposed to be run by Nagios, i.e. under ``nagios`` user,
+should have permissions to read the config /etc/boto.cfg or ~nagios/.boto.
+ [root@centos6 ~]# cat /etc/boto.cfg
+ [Credentials]
+ aws_access_key_id = THISISATESTKEY
+ aws_secret_access_key = thisisatestawssecretaccesskey
+If you do not use this config with other tools such as our Cacti script,
+you can secure this file the following way:
+ [root@centos6 ~]# chown nagios /etc/boto.cfg
+ [root@centos6 ~]# chmod 600 /etc/boto.cfg
+The plugin provides 4 checks and some options to list and print RDS details:
+* RDS Status
+* RDS Load Average
+* RDS Free Storage
+* RDS Free Memory
+To get the list of all RDS instances under AWS account:
+ # ./ -l
+To get the detailed status of RDS instance identified as C<blackbox>:
+ # ./ -i blackbox -p
+Nagios check for the overall status. Useful if you want to set the rest
+of the checks dependent from this one:
+ # ./ -i blackbox -m status
+ OK mysql 5.1.63. Status: available
+Nagios check for CPU utilization, specify thresholds as percentage of
+1-min., 5-min., 15-min. average accordingly:
+ # ./ -i blackbox -m load -w 90,85,80 -c 98,95,90
+ OK Load average: 18.36%, 18.51%, 15.95% | load1=18.36;90.0;98.0;0;100 load5=18.51;85.0;95.0;0;100 load15=15.95;80.0;90.0;0;100
+Nagios check for the free memory, specify thresholds as percentage:
+ # ./ -i blackbox -m memory -w 5 -c 2
+ OK Free memory: 5.90 GB (9%) of 68 GB | free_memory=8.68;5.0;2.0;0;100
+ # ./ -i blackbox -m memory -u GB -w 4 -c 2
+ OK Free memory: 5.90 GB (9%) of 68 GB | free_memory=5.9;4.0;2.0;0;68
+Nagios check for the free storage space, specify thresholds as percentage or GB:
+ # ./ -i blackbox -m storage -w 10 -c 5
+ OK Free storage: 162.55 GB (33%) of 500.0 GB | free_storage=32.51;10.0;5.0;0;100
+ # ./ -i blackbox -m storage -u GB -w 10 -c 5
+ OK Free storage: 162.55 GB (33%) of 500.0 GB | free_storage=162.55;10.0;5.0;0;500.0
+By default, the region is set to ``us-east-1``. You can re-define it globally in boto config or
+specify with -r option. The following command will list all instances across all regions under your AWS account:
+ # ./ -r all -l
+The following command will show the status for the first instance identified as ``blackbox`` in all regions:
+ # ./ -r all -i blackbox -p
+Remember, scanning regions are slower operation than specifying it explicitly.
+Here is the excerpt of potential Nagios config:
+ define host{
+ use mysql-host
+ host_name blackbox
+ alias blackbox
+ address
+ }
+ define servicedependency{
+ host_name blackbox
+ service_description RDS Status
+ dependent_service_description RDS Load Average, RDS Free Storage, RDS Free Memory
+ execution_failure_criteria w,c,u,p
+ notification_failure_criteria w,c,u,p
+ }
+ define service{
+ use active-service
+ host_name blackbox
+ service_description RDS Status
+ check_command check_rds!status!0!0
+ }
+ define service{
+ use active-service
+ host_name blackbox
+ service_description RDS Load Average
+ check_command check_rds!load!90,85,80!98,95,90
+ }
+ define service{
+ use active-service
+ host_name blackbox
+ service_description RDS Free Storage
+ check_command check_rds!storage!10!5
+ }
+ define service{
+ use active-service
+ host_name blackbox
+ service_description RDS Free Memory
+ check_command check_rds!memory!5!2
+ }
+ define command{
+ command_name check_rds
+ command_line $USER1$/ -i $HOSTALIAS$ -m $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$
+ }
+This program is copyright 2014 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates.
+Feedback and improvements are welcome.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, version 2. You should have received a copy of the GNU General
+Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+=head1 VERSION