Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_memcached/check_memcached.l
diff options
authorH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
committerH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
commit1e2387474a449452b78520b9ad96a8b4b5e99722 (patch)
tree836889471eec7d2aac177405068e2a8f1e2b1978 /nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_memcached/check_memcached.l
initial commit of source fetch
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_memcached/check_memcached.l')
1 files changed, 613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_memcached/check_memcached.l b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_memcached/check_memcached.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9081b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_memcached/check_memcached.l
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+ This file is the for the Flex code-generator:
+ It also requires libmemcached:
+ For yum based distributions, eg Red Hat/Fedora/SuSE/Mageia
+ yum install gcc flex glibc-devel libmemcached-devel
+ For apt based distributions, eg Debian/Ubuntu
+ apt-get install gcc make flex libc6-dev libmemcached-dev
+ Build it using:
+ make LDFLAGS=-lmemcached check_memcached
+ or
+ make LDFLAGS="-lmemcached -lpthread" check_memcached
+ (depending on your Linux distro)
+ This program was initially developed by Lonely Planet for internal use
+ and has kindly been made available to the Open Source community for
+ redistribution and further development under the terms of the
+ GNU General Public License v3:
+ This program is supplied 'as-is', in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ neither Lonely Planet nor the authors make any warranties or guarantees
+ as to its correct operation, including its intended function.
+ Or in other words:
+ Test it yourself, and make sure it works for YOU.
+ Author: George Hansper e-mail:
+/* --------------------------- #include ------------------------------ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* For getopt() */
+#include <unistd.h>
+extern int optind, opterr, optopt;
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <libmemcached/memcached.h>
+#define print_v(args...) if ( verbose ) fprintf(stderr,args );
+#define DEBUG 0
+#if DEBUG == 1
+ #define print_debug(args...) fprintf(stderr,args );
+ #define print_debug(args...)
+YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_memcache_buffer;
+#define YY_USER_ACTION buffer_position+=yyleng;
+/* --------------------------- static/global variables ------------------------------ */
+static int default_port = 11211;
+static int max_n_stats = 30;
+static int min_stats_interval = 30; /* Compare stats at least 30 minutes old, at least */
+static int verbose=0;
+static int perfstats_for_rrdtool=0;
+static double min_hit_miss = 2.0;
+static uint64_t max_evictions = 10;
+static double timeout=1.0;
+static char *hostname;
+static int port;
+static char *argv0;
+static char *memcached_key = "check_memcached"; /* The key we will store our data under */
+/* The expiry time on the stats object, in seconds. Two hours between checks is pretty generous */
+static int memcache_stats_object_expiry_time = 60*60*2;
+static char *memory_error_message = "CRITICAL: Could not allocate memory";
+static int buffer_position;
+static memcached_stat_st stats;
+static uint64_t obj_time_last = 0;
+static uint64_t obj_time_oldest = 0;
+static uint64_t obj_time = 0;
+static int obj_n_prune = 0;
+static int obj_n_stats;
+static uint64_t obj_get_hits;
+static uint64_t obj_get_misses;
+static uint64_t obj_evictions;
+static uint64_t obj_cmd_get;
+static uint64_t obj_cmd_set;
+static uint64_t *save_to;
+/* --------------------------- functions() ------------------------------ */
+void usage();
+int check_memcached();
+char * get_current_stats(memcached_st*);
+char * update_stats_obj(char *, size_t , char *);
+/* ===================================================================================== */
+%option yylineno
+<DUMMY>.|\n ECHO;
+time= { save_to = &obj_time_last; obj_n_stats++; }
+get_hits= { save_to = &obj_get_hits; }
+get_misses= { save_to = &obj_get_misses; }
+evictions= { save_to = &obj_evictions; }
+cmd_get= { save_to = &obj_cmd_get; }
+cmd_set= { save_to = &obj_cmd_set; }
+<FIND_STATS>[0-9]+ {
+ if ( save_to != NULL ) {
+ if ( save_to == &obj_time_last ) {
+ /* New time-stamp */
+ (*save_to) = (uint64_t) strtoll(yytext, NULL, 10);
+ save_to = NULL;
+ if ( obj_time_last <= stats.time - 60*min_stats_interval &&
+ obj_time_last > obj_time ) {
+ obj_time = obj_time_last;
+ /* Remove any stale data */
+ obj_get_hits = 0;
+ obj_get_misses = 0;
+ obj_evictions = 0;
+ obj_cmd_get = 0;
+ obj_cmd_set = 0;
+ }
+ if( obj_time_oldest == 0 || obj_time_last < obj_time_oldest ) {
+ obj_time_oldest = obj_time_last;
+ }
+ } else if( obj_time == obj_time_last ) {
+ /* New cadidate data - save it */
+ (*save_to) = (uint64_t) strtoll(yytext, NULL, 10);
+ save_to = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+<FIND_OFFSET>[0-9]+ ; /* Don't convert or save integers, just find the offset of the 1st item to keep */
+ if ( obj_n_stats >= obj_n_prune ) {
+ return(buffer_position);
+ }
+ }
+<FIND_OFFSET><<EOF>> { return(buffer_position); }
+"\t"|" " ;
+. { save_to = NULL; }
+\n { save_to = NULL; }
+/* ==================================================================================================== */
+yywrap() {
+ return 1;
+/* ==================================================================================================== */
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ char opt_c;
+ int arg_int;
+ char *trail_c;
+ int n;
+ int i;
+ int result;
+ int arg_error = 0;
+ argv0 = argv[0];
+ while ( ( opt_c = getopt(argc, argv, "hvrH:p:w:c:t:T:n:E:k:K:") ) != -1 ) {
+ switch( opt_c ) {
+ case 'H':
+ /* Hostname or IP address - support for comma-separated list */
+ hostname = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(optarg)+1));
+ result = sscanf(optarg, "%[-.0-9a-zA-Z_]%n:%d%n",hostname,&n,&port,&n);
+ print_debug("%d+%d # >>> %s <<< === %d === %s\n",result,n,hostname, port, optarg);
+ switch(result) {
+ case 1:
+ /* Port not specified - use default_port */
+ port = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /* OK hostname:port specified */
+ break;
+ default:
+ arg_error = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ arg_int = strtol(optarg,&trail_c,10);
+ if ( *trail_c != '\0' ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"option \"-p port\": port must be a number, not \"%s\"\n",optarg);
+ arg_error = 1;
+ } else {
+ default_port = arg_int;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ arg_int = strtol(optarg,&trail_c,10);
+ if ( *trail_c != '\0' ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"option \"-n max_stats\": max_stats must be a number, not \"%s\"\n",optarg);
+ arg_error = 1;
+ } else {
+ max_n_stats = arg_int;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ min_stats_interval = strtol(optarg,NULL,10);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ verbose=1;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ min_hit_miss = strtod(optarg,NULL);
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ max_evictions = strtoll(optarg,NULL,10);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ timeout = strtod(optarg,NULL);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ perfstats_for_rrdtool=1;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ /* Ignored - for now */
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ if ( optarg != NULL && strlen(optarg) > 1 ) {
+ memcached_key = optarg;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'K':
+ memcache_stats_object_expiry_time = strtol(optarg,NULL,10);
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ default:
+ arg_error = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( port == 0 ) {
+ port = default_port;
+ }
+ if ( arg_error || hostname == NULL ) {
+ usage();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return (check_memcached());
+/* ==================================================================================================== */
+int check_memcached() {
+ memcached_st *my_memcached;
+ memcached_return error;
+ memcached_result_st *result;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ char *object;
+ char *new_object;
+ size_t object_size;
+ char new_stats;
+ int n;
+ char *current_stats_str;
+ double hit_miss;
+ char *nagios_service_tmp;
+ char *nagios_service_output; /* error/warning message */
+ char *nagios_perfdata; /* Performance data */
+ size_t str_bytes = 0;
+ int nagios_result;
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Connect to the memcached server */
+ my_memcached = memcached_create(NULL);
+ if ( my_memcached == NULL ) {
+ puts("CRITICAL: Could not create memcached_st using memcached_create()\n");
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ error = memcached_server_add(my_memcached, hostname, port);
+ if ( error ) {
+ printf("CRITICAL: %s\n",memcached_strerror(my_memcached, error));
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ memcached_behavior_set(my_memcached, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (uint64_t) (timeout * 1000));
+ memcached_behavior_set(my_memcached, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_POLL_TIMEOUT, (uint64_t) (timeout * 1000));
+ memcached_behavior_set(my_memcached, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_NO_BLOCK, 0);
+ print_debug("default timeout = %lu %lu %lu %lu... %1.1f\n",my_memcached->connect_timeout,
+ my_memcached->poll_timeout,
+ my_memcached->snd_timeout,
+ my_memcached->rcv_timeout,
+ timeout);
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Get the stats from this server */
+ current_stats_str = get_current_stats(my_memcached);
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Get our data (if it's there) */
+ /* memcached_behavior_set(my_memcached, MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_BINARY_PROTOCOL, 0); */
+ flags = 0;
+ object = memcached_get(my_memcached, memcached_key, strlen(memcached_key), &object_size, &flags, &error);
+ print_debug("Object = %p, Length = %lu, Error = %d (%s)\n",object,object_size,error,memcached_strerror(my_memcached, error));
+ if ( error ) {
+ print_v("No stats history object found (key=%s)\n",memcached_key);
+ }
+ print_debug("uint64_t = %d, long = %d, long long = %d\n",sizeof(uint64_t), sizeof(long int), sizeof(long long int));
+ print_debug("Here it is...%d bytes\n%s\n\n",object_size,object);
+ obj_n_stats=0;
+ yy_memcache_buffer = yy_scan_bytes ( object, object_size );
+ yylex();
+ print_debug("Found %d items in stats history\n",obj_n_stats);
+ print_debug("Best stats:\ntime=%llu cmd_get=%llu cmd_set=%llu get_hits=%llu get_misses=%llu evictions=%llu\n",
+ obj_time,obj_cmd_get,obj_cmd_set,obj_get_hits,obj_get_misses,obj_evictions);
+ print_debug("New stats\n%s\n",current_stats_str);
+ new_object = update_stats_obj(object, object_size, current_stats_str);
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Store new data if it's at least 1 minute newer */
+ nagios_result=0;
+ nagios_service_output = NULL;
+ if( new_object != NULL ) {
+ error = memcached_set(my_memcached,
+ memcached_key,
+ strlen(memcached_key),
+ new_object,
+ strlen(new_object), /* trailing \0 is not stored with the object(!) */
+ (time_t) memcache_stats_object_expiry_time, /* Expire after (default) 2 hours */
+ 0
+ );
+ if ( error ) {
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_service_output,"Could not store updated stats object - %s; ",
+ memcached_strerror(my_memcached, error));
+ nagios_result|=2;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( nagios_service_output == NULL ) {
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_service_output,"");
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* ---- Analyze the stats, return 0,1,2 as required ---------------------------------------- */
+ if ( obj_time == 0 ) {
+ nagios_service_tmp = nagios_service_output;
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_service_output,
+ "%sno stats available yet. Come back in %d minutes; ",
+ nagios_service_tmp,
+ min_stats_interval - (stats.time - obj_time_oldest ) / 60
+ );
+ free ( nagios_service_tmp );
+ } else {
+ /* ---- Evictions ---- */
+ if ( max_evictions > 0 && ( stats.evictions - obj_evictions) >= max_evictions ) {
+ nagios_result|=1;
+ nagios_service_tmp = nagios_service_output;
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_service_output,
+ "%sToo many evictions: %d; ",
+ nagios_service_tmp,
+ stats.evictions - obj_evictions
+ );
+ free ( nagios_service_tmp );
+ }
+ /* ---- Hit/Miss ratio ---- */
+ nagios_service_tmp = nagios_service_output;
+ if ( ( stats.get_misses - obj_get_misses ) > 0 ) {
+ hit_miss = ( stats.get_hits - obj_get_hits ) * 1.0 / ( stats.get_misses - obj_get_misses );
+ if ( hit_miss < min_hit_miss ) {
+ nagios_result|=1;
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_service_output,
+ "%sLow hit/miss rate: %1.1f; ",
+ nagios_service_tmp,
+ hit_miss
+ );
+ free ( nagios_service_tmp );
+ } else {
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_service_output,
+ "%shit/miss=%1.1f; ",
+ nagios_service_tmp,
+ hit_miss
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ hit_miss = 0;
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_service_output,"%shit/miss=%llu/0; ",
+ nagios_service_tmp,
+ stats.get_hits - obj_get_hits
+ );
+ free ( nagios_service_tmp );
+ }
+ nagios_service_tmp = nagios_service_output;
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_service_output,
+ "%shits=%llu misses=%llu evictions=%llu interval=%lu mins",
+ nagios_service_tmp,
+ stats.get_hits - obj_get_hits,
+ stats.get_misses - obj_get_misses,
+ stats.evictions - obj_evictions,
+ (uint32_t) (stats.time - obj_time ) / 60
+ );
+ free ( nagios_service_tmp );
+ }
+ /* Add the performance data */
+ /* Remove trailing newline from current_stats_str */
+ n = strlen(current_stats_str);
+ if ( n > 1 && *(current_stats_str+n-1) == '\n' ) {
+ *(current_stats_str+n-1) = '\0';
+ }
+ if ( str_bytes == -1 ) {
+ puts(memory_error_message);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ /* Delta times may not apply if no suitable object found. Also, if NO object exists yet, there is nothing to calculate */
+ if ( perfstats_for_rrdtool == 1 ) {
+ if ( obj_time == 0 ) {
+ /* No performance stats available (yet) */
+ nagios_perfdata = "";
+ } else {
+ /*
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_perfdata,
+ "%s delta_time_s=%lu gets_per_min=%llu sets_per_min=%llu hits_per_min=%llu misses_per_min=%llu evictions_per_min=%llu",
+ current_stats_str,
+ (uint32_t) ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ 60 * ( stats.cmd_get - obj_cmd_get) / ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ 60 * ( stats.cmd_set - obj_cmd_set )/ ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ 60 * ( stats.get_hits - obj_get_hits ) / ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ 60 * ( stats.get_misses - obj_get_misses ) / ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ 60 * ( stats.evictions - obj_evictions ) / ( stats.time - obj_time )
+ );
+ */
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_perfdata,
+ "gets_per_min=%.2f sets_per_min=%.2f hits_per_min=%.2f misses_per_min=%.2f evictions_per_min=%.2f hit_miss_ratio=%.2f",
+ 60.0 * ( stats.cmd_get - obj_cmd_get) / ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ 60.0 * ( stats.cmd_set - obj_cmd_set )/ ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ 60.0 * ( stats.get_hits - obj_get_hits ) / ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ 60.0 * ( stats.get_misses - obj_get_misses ) / ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ 60.0 * ( stats.evictions - obj_evictions ) / ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ /* Hit/Miss ratio */
+ 0. + hit_miss
+ );
+ }
+ } else if ( obj_time == 0 ) {
+ nagios_perfdata = "";
+ } else {
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&nagios_perfdata,
+ "%s delta_time=%lu delta_cmd_get=%llu delta_cmd_set=%llu delta_get_hits=%llu delta_get_misses=%llu delta_evictions=%llu",
+ current_stats_str,
+ (uint32_t) ( stats.time - obj_time ),
+ stats.cmd_get - obj_cmd_get,
+ stats.cmd_set - obj_cmd_set,
+ stats.get_hits - obj_get_hits,
+ stats.get_misses - obj_get_misses,
+ stats.evictions - obj_evictions
+ );
+ }
+ switch(nagios_result) {
+ case 0:
+ printf("OK: %s|%s\n",nagios_service_output,nagios_perfdata);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ printf("WARNING: %s|%s\n",nagios_service_output,nagios_perfdata);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("CRITICAL: %s|%s\n",nagios_service_output,nagios_perfdata);
+ nagios_result = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( ( stats.get_misses - obj_get_misses ) > 0 ) {
+ print_v("\nHit/Miss = %llu / %llu = %1.1f\n",
+ stats.get_hits - obj_get_hits,
+ stats.get_misses - obj_get_misses,
+ hit_miss);
+ } else {
+ print_v("\nNo misses - very good\n");
+ }
+ print_v("\nHistory object '%s':\n%s\nNew stats:\n%s (%sstored)\n",memcached_key,object,current_stats_str,
+ new_object== NULL? "not ":"");
+ memcached_free(my_memcached);
+ return(nagios_result);
+/* ==================================================================================================== */
+char *get_current_stats(memcached_st *my_memcached) {
+ memcached_return error;
+ int str_bytes;
+ char * current_stats_str_format;
+ char * current_stats_str;
+ memcached_stat_st *stats_array;
+ /* error = memcached_stat_servername(&stats, NULL, hostname, port); - cannot set timeout, but gives better error responses :-( */
+ stats_array = memcached_stat(my_memcached, NULL, &error);
+ if ( error ) {
+ printf("CRITICAL: Could not connect to server %s:%d - %s (%d)\n",hostname, port,
+ memcached_strerror(my_memcached, error), error
+ );
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ stats = stats_array[0];
+ free(stats_array);
+ current_stats_str_format = "time=%lu cmd_get=%llu cmd_set=%llu get_hits=%llu get_misses=%llu evictions=%llu\n";
+ str_bytes = asprintf(&current_stats_str,current_stats_str_format,
+ stats.time,stats.cmd_get,stats.cmd_set,stats.get_hits,stats.get_misses,stats.evictions);
+ obj_time_oldest = stats.time;
+ if ( str_bytes == -1 ) {
+ puts(memory_error_message);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ return(current_stats_str);
+/* ==================================================================================================== */
+char * update_stats_obj(char *object, size_t object_size, char *current_stats_str) {
+ int obj_offset;
+ char *new_object;
+ size_t new_object_size;
+ size_t graft_offset;
+ int graft_size;
+ char *s;
+ if ( stats.time < obj_time_last + 30 ) {
+ /* Only store new stats if at least 1 minute has passed since the last stats were stored */
+ print_v("New stats are less than 30s newer than last entry - not stored\n");
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ /* Prune stats from the start of the object */
+ obj_n_prune = 1 + obj_n_stats - max_n_stats;
+ if ( obj_n_prune > 0 ) {
+ buffer_position=0;
+ obj_n_stats = 0;
+ yy_memcache_buffer = yy_scan_bytes ( object, object_size );
+ obj_offset = yylex();
+ } else {
+ obj_offset = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ while( yylex() ) {
+ }
+ print_debug("Prune %d items / %d chars from start of object\nNew:\n%s\n",obj_n_prune,obj_offset,object+obj_offset);
+ */
+ /* Add extra 2 chars for trailing \n\0 */
+ new_object_size = object_size - obj_offset + (size_t) ( (strlen(current_stats_str)+ 2) * sizeof(char));
+ new_object = malloc(new_object_size * sizeof(char) );
+ if (new_object == NULL ) {
+ puts(memory_error_message);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ graft_size = object_size - obj_offset;
+ if ( graft_size > 0 ) {
+ memcpy(new_object,object+obj_offset,graft_size);
+ } else {
+ graft_size = 0;
+ }
+ /* Ensure there is a \0 on the end of the object */
+ *(new_object+graft_size)='\0';
+ /* Make sure there is a newline between each item in the list */
+ s = new_object + graft_size;
+ if ( graft_size > 0 ) {
+ while ( ( *s == '\0' || *s == '\n' ) && s > new_object ) {
+ /* Trailing \0 and trailing \n - rewind a char or more */
+ s--;
+ }
+ /* Add \n\0 to end of buffer */
+ strcpy(++s,"\n");
+ }
+ strcat(s,current_stats_str);
+ return(new_object);
+ print_debug("New Object is:\n%s\nNew size: %d\nReal size: %d\n",new_object, new_object_size, (strlen(new_object)+1));
+ return(new_object);
+/* ==================================================================================================== */
+void usage() {
+ puts("Usage:");
+ printf("\t%s -H hostname[:port] [-v] [-p port] [-t time_out] [-w min_hit_miss] [-n max_stats] [-T min_stats_interval] [-E max_evictions] [-k key] [-K key_expiry_time] [-r]\n", argv0);
+ printf("\t-H ... Hostname or IP address (required)\n\t optional \":port\" overrides -p\n");
+ printf("\t-p ... Port number (default: %u)\n",default_port);
+ printf("\t-v ... verbose messages\n");
+ printf("\t-n ... Keep up to this many items in the history object in memcached (default: %u)\n",max_n_stats);
+ printf("\t-T ... Minimum time interval (in minutes) to use to analyse stats. (default: %u)\n",min_stats_interval);
+ printf("\t-w ... Generate warning if quotient of hits/misses falls below this value (default: %1.1f)\n",min_hit_miss);
+ printf("\t-E ... Generate warning if number of evictions exceeds this threshold. 0=disable. (default: %llu)\n",max_evictions);
+ printf("\t-t ... timeout in seconds (default: %1.1f)\n",timeout);
+ printf("\t-k ... key name for history object (default: %s)\n",memcached_key);
+ printf("\t-K ... expiry time in seconds for history object (default: %u)\n",memcache_stats_object_expiry_time);
+ printf("\t-r ... output performance statistics as rate-per-minute figures (better suited to pnp4nagios)\n");
+ printf("\nExample:\n");
+ printf("\t%s -H -p 11212 -w 10 -E 5 -t 0.3 -T 10 -n 10\n",argv0);
+ printf("\nNote: the history object \"%s\" will not be updated if the new stats are less than 30 seconds old\n",memcached_key);
+ printf( " compared to the most recent stats in the \"%s\" object\n",memcached_key);