Of git, get, and gud

path: root/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd
diff options
authorH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
committerH. P. <coding _æ_> 2019-04-17 19:07:19 +0200
commit1e2387474a449452b78520b9ad96a8b4b5e99722 (patch)
tree836889471eec7d2aac177405068e2a8f1e2b1978 /nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd
initial commit of source fetch
Diffstat (limited to 'nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd')
4 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/Makefile b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf9673d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#/usr/bin/make -f
+include ../
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/check_drbd b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/check_drbd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeda397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/check_drbd
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# check_drbd v0.5.3 #
+# by Brandon Lee Poyner bpoyner / #
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $drbd_proc='/proc/drbd';
+my $drbd_devices=0;
+my ($drbd_expect, $drbd_role, $drbd_version, $debug_mode);
+my (%options, %cs, %st, %ld, %ds, %check, %warning, %critical);
+my $prog_name=basename($0);
+my $prog_revision='0.5.3';
+my %errorcodes = (
+ 'OK' => { 'retvalue' => 0 },
+ 'WARNING' => { 'retvalue' => 1 },
+ 'CRITICAL' => { 'retvalue' => 2 },
+ 'UNKNOWN' => { 'retvalue' => 3 }
+# Define various states and default alarm values
+my %state = (
+ 'Primary' => { 'value' => 'OK', 'type' => 'st' },
+ 'Secondary' => { 'value' => 'OK', 'type' => 'st' },
+ 'Unknown' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'st' },
+ 'StandAlone' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'Unconnected' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'Timeout' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'BrokenPipe' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'WFConnection' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'WFReportParams' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'Connected' => { 'value' => 'OK', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'Unconfigured' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ # DRBD 0.6
+ 'SyncingAll' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'SyncingQuick' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'SyncPaused' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ # DRBD 0.7
+ 'WFBitMapS' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'WFBitMapT' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'SyncSource' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'SyncTarget' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'PausedSyncS' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'PausedSyncT' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'NetworkFailure' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'SkippedSyncS' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'SkippedSyncT' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'Consistent' => { 'value' => 'OK', 'type' => 'ld' },
+ 'Inconsistent' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'ld' },
+ # DRBD 8.0
+ 'UpToDate' => { 'value' => 'OK', 'type' => 'ds' },
+ 'Consistent' => { 'value' => 'OK', 'type' => 'ds' },
+ 'Negotiating' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'ds' },
+ 'Attaching' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'ds' },
+ 'Diskless' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'ds' },
+ 'Failed' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'ds' },
+ 'Outdated' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'ds' },
+ 'Inconsistent' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'ds' },
+ 'DUnknown' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'ds' },
+ # DRBD 8.2
+ 'VerifyS' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'VerifyT' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ # DRBD 8.3
+ 'Disconnecting' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'ProtocolError' => { 'value' => 'CRITICAL', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'TearDown' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'StartingSyncS' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'StartingSyncT' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' },
+ 'WFSyncUUID' => { 'value' => 'WARNING', 'type' => 'cs' }
+&myexit('UNKNOWN',"$prog_name should never reach here");
+sub print_usage {
+ print <<EOF
+Usage: $prog_name [-d <All|Configured|...>] [-e expect] [-p proc] [-r role] [-o states] [-w states] [-c states] [--debug]
+ Options:
+ -d STRING [default: $drbd_devices. Example: 0,1,2 ]
+ -p STRING [default: $drbd_proc. Use '-' for stdin]
+ -e STRING [Must be this connected state. Example: Connected]
+ -r STRING [Must be this node state. Example: Primary]
+ -o STRING [Change value to OK. Example: StandAlone]
+ -w STRING [Change value to WARNING. Example: SyncingAll]
+ -c STRING [Change value to CRITICAL. Example: Inconsistent,WFConnection]
+sub print_revision {
+ print <<EOF;
+$prog_name $prog_revision
+The nagios plugins come with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute
+copies of the plugins under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.
+sub print_help {
+ &print_revision;
+ print "\n";
+ &print_usage;
+ print <<EOF;
+Send email to nagios-users\ if you have questions
+regarding use of this software. To submit patches or suggest improvements,
+send email to bpoyner\
+ exit $errorcodes{'UNKNOWN'}->{'retvalue'};
+sub parse_options {
+ my ($help, $version, $debug, $ok_string, $warning_string,
+ $critical_string);
+ #
+ # Get command line options
+ #
+ GetOptions("h|help" => \$help,
+ "V|version" => \$version,
+ "d|device|devices=s" => \$drbd_devices,
+ "e|expect=s" => \$drbd_expect,
+ "p|proc=s" => \$drbd_proc,
+ "r|role=s" => \$drbd_role,
+ "o|ok=s" => \$ok_string,
+ "w|warning=s" => \$warning_string,
+ "c|critical=s" => \$critical_string,
+ "debug" => \$debug);
+ if (defined($help) && ($help ne "")) {
+ &print_help;
+ exit $errorcodes{'UNKNOWN'}->{'retvalue'};
+ }
+ if (defined($version) && ($version ne "")) {
+ &print_revision;
+ exit $errorcodes{'UNKNOWN'}->{'retvalue'};
+ }
+ if (defined($drbd_expect) && ($drbd_expect ne "")) {
+ # User requested the connected state to be very specific
+ &change_values($drbd_expect,'cs','expect','connected state');
+ }
+ if (defined($drbd_role) && ($drbd_role ne "")) {
+ # User requested the node state to be very specific
+ &change_values($drbd_role,'st','role','node state');
+ }
+ if (defined($ok_string) && ($ok_string ne "")) {
+ # User requested certain values to be OK
+ &set_values($ok_string,'OK');
+ }
+ if (defined($warning_string) && ($warning_string ne "")) {
+ # User requested certain values to be WARNING
+ &set_values($warning_string,'WARNING');
+ }
+ if (defined($critical_string) && ($critical_string ne "")) {
+ # User requested certain values to be CRITICAL
+ &set_values($critical_string,'CRITICAL');
+ }
+ if (defined($debug) && ($debug ne "")) {
+ #
+ # Debugging information
+ #
+ $debug_mode=1;
+ print STDERR "<$prog_name settings>\n";
+ print STDERR "DRBD Devices: $drbd_devices\n";
+ printf STDERR "DRBD Proc: %s\n", defined($drbd_proc)?$drbd_proc:"";
+ printf STDERR "DRBD Expect: %s\n", defined($drbd_expect)?$drbd_expect:"";
+ printf STDERR "DRBD Role: %s\n", defined($drbd_role)?$drbd_role:"";
+ my (@ok, @critical, @warning);
+ for my $key ( keys %state ) {
+ if ($state{$key}->{'value'} eq 'OK') {
+ push(@ok,$key);
+ }
+ if ($state{$key}->{'value'} eq 'WARNING') {
+ push(@warning,$key);
+ }
+ if ($state{$key}->{'value'} eq 'CRITICAL') {
+ push(@critical,$key);
+ }
+ }
+ printf STDERR "DRBD OK: %s\n", join(" ",sort(@ok));
+ printf STDERR "DRBD WARNING: %s\n", join(" ",sort(@warning));
+ printf STDERR "DRBD CRITICAL: %s\n", join(" ",sort(@critical));
+ print STDERR "</$prog_name settings>\n";
+ }
+sub parse_proc {
+ #
+ # Read in contents of proc file, feed results into hashes
+ #
+ my $input;
+ if ( $drbd_proc ne "-" ) {
+ $input = "DRBD";
+ if ( ! -e $drbd_proc ) {
+ &myexit('UNKNOWN',"No such file $drbd_proc");
+ }
+ open(DRBD, "$drbd_proc") ||
+ &myexit('UNKNOWN',"Could not open $drbd_proc");
+ } else {
+ $input = "STDIN";
+ }
+ while(<$input>) {
+ if (/^version: (\d+).(\d+)/) {
+ $drbd_version = "$1.$2";
+ }
+ if (/^\s?(\d+):.* cs:(\w+)/) {
+ $cs{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ if (/^\s?(\d+):.* st:(\w+)\//) {
+ $st{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ if (/^\s?(\d+):.* ld:(\w+)/) {
+ $ld{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ if (/^\s?(\d+):.* ds:(\w+)/) {
+ $ds{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $drbd_proc ne "-" ) {
+ close(DRBD);
+ }
+ if (defined($debug_mode) && ($debug_mode == 1)) {
+ #
+ # Debugging information
+ #
+ print STDERR "<$prog_name devices found>\n";
+ for my $key ( sort keys %cs ) {
+ printf STDERR "Found Device $key $cs{$key}%s%s%s\n", defined($st{$key})?" $st{$key}":"", defined($ld{$key})?" $ld{$key}":"", defined($ds{$key})?" $ds{$key}":"";
+ }
+ print STDERR "</$prog_name devices found>\n";
+ }
+sub parse_drbd_devices {
+ #
+ # Determine which DRBD devices to monitor
+ #
+ my @devices;
+ if ($drbd_devices =~ /^all$/i) {
+ for my $device ( keys %cs ) {
+ push(@devices,$device);
+ }
+ } elsif ($drbd_devices =~ /^configured$/i) {
+ for my $device ( keys %cs ) {
+ next if ($cs{$device} eq "Unconfigured");
+ push(@devices,$device);
+ }
+ } else {
+ @devices = split(/,/,$drbd_devices);
+ }
+ foreach my $device (@devices) {
+ if (!(defined($cs{$device}))) {
+ &myexit('UNKNOWN',"Could not find device $device");
+ }
+ $check{$device} = 1;
+ }
+ if (int(keys %check) == 0) {
+ &myexit('UNKNOWN',"No configured devices found");
+ }
+ if (defined($debug_mode) && ($debug_mode == 1)) {
+ #
+ # Debugging information
+ #
+ print STDERR "<$prog_name devices to check>\n";
+ for my $key ( sort keys %check ) {
+ printf STDERR "Checking enabled for device $key\n";
+ }
+ print STDERR "</$prog_name devices to check>\n";
+ }
+sub check_drbd_state {
+ for my $drbd_device ( sort keys %check ) {
+ if ((defined($drbd_version)) && ($drbd_version >= '8.0')) {
+ #
+ # We're dealing with version 8.0 or greater
+ # Set data state
+ #
+ if ((defined($ds{$drbd_device})) &&
+ (defined($state{$ds{$drbd_device}}))) {
+ $state{$ds{$drbd_device}}->{$drbd_device}->{'level'} = 1;
+ } elsif (defined($ds{$drbd_device})) {
+ &myexit('CRITICAL',"Data state unknown value '$ds{$drbd_device}' for device $drbd_device");
+ }
+ }
+ if ((defined($drbd_version)) && ($drbd_version == '0.7')) {
+ #
+ # We're dealing with version 0.7
+ # Set local data consistency
+ #
+ if ((defined($ld{$drbd_device})) &&
+ (defined($state{$ld{$drbd_device}}))) {
+ $state{$ld{$drbd_device}}->{$drbd_device}->{'level'} = 1;
+ } elsif (defined($ld{$drbd_device})) {
+ &myexit('CRITICAL',"Local data consistency unknown value '$ld{$drbd_device}' for device $drbd_device");
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Check for a state value (Primary, Secondary, etc)
+ #
+ if ((defined($st{$drbd_device})) &&
+ (defined($state{$st{$drbd_device}}))) {
+ $state{$st{$drbd_device}}->{$drbd_device}->{'level'} = 1;
+ } elsif (defined($st{$drbd_device})) {
+ &myexit('CRITICAL',"Node state unknown value '$st{$drbd_device}' for device $drbd_device");
+ }
+ #
+ # Check for a connected state value (Connected, StandAlone, etc)
+ #
+ if (defined($state{$cs{$drbd_device}})) {
+ $state{$cs{$drbd_device}}->{$drbd_device}->{'level'} = 1;
+ } else {
+ &myexit('CRITICAL',"Connection state unknown value '$cs{$drbd_device}' for device $drbd_device");
+ }
+ #
+ # Debugging information
+ #
+ if (defined($debug_mode) && ($debug_mode == 1)) {
+ print STDERR "<$prog_name device $drbd_device status>\n";
+ for my $key ( keys %state ) {
+ if (defined($state{$key}->{$drbd_device}->{'level'})) {
+ print STDERR "$key $state{$key}->{'value'}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR "</$prog_name device $drbd_device status>\n";
+ }
+ #
+ # Determine if any values are CRITICAL or WARNING
+ #
+ for my $key ( keys %state ) {
+ if (defined($state{$key}->{$drbd_device}->{'level'})) {
+ if ($state{$key}->{'value'} eq "CRITICAL") {
+ $critical{$drbd_device} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($state{$key}->{'value'} eq "WARNING") {
+ $warning{$drbd_device} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub report_status {
+ my $message;
+ my $critical_count=int(keys %critical);
+ my $warning_count=int(keys %warning);
+ if ($critical_count > 0) {
+ #
+ # We found a CRITICAL situation
+ #
+ my $i = 0;
+ for my $device (sort keys %critical) {
+ $message.=sprintf("Device %d%s $cs{$device}%s%s", $device,defined($st{$device})?" $st{$device}":"",defined($ld{$device})?" $ld{$device}":"",defined($ds{$device})?" $ds{$device}":"");
+ $i++;
+ if ($i != $critical_count) {
+ $message.=", ";
+ }
+ }
+ &myexit('CRITICAL',$message);
+ } elsif ($warning_count > 0) {
+ #
+ # We found a WARNING situation
+ #
+ my $i = 0;
+ for my $device (sort keys %warning) {
+ $message.=sprintf("Device %d%s $cs{$device}%s%s", $device,defined($st{$device})?" $st{$device}":"",defined($ld{$device})?" $ld{$device}":"",defined($ds{$device})?" $ds{$device}":"");
+ $i++;
+ if ($i != $warning_count) {
+ $message.=", ";
+ }
+ }
+ &myexit('WARNING',$message);
+ } else {
+ #
+ # Everything checks out OK
+ #
+ my $device_count=int(keys %check);
+ if ($device_count == 1) {
+ for my $device ( sort keys %check ) {
+ $message=sprintf("Device %d%s $cs{$device}%s%s", $device,defined($st{$device})?" $st{$device}":"",defined($ld{$device})?" $ld{$device}":"",defined($ds{$device})?" $ds{$device}":"");
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $i = 0;
+ for my $device ( sort keys %check ) {
+ $message.=sprintf("Dev %d %0.3s%0.3s%0.3s%0.3s", $device,defined($st{$device})?"$st{$device}":"",$cs{$device},defined($ld{$device})?"$ld{$device}":"",defined($ds{$device})?"$ds{$device}":"");
+ $i++;
+ if ($i != $device_count) {
+ $message.=", ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &myexit('OK',$message);
+ }
+sub set_values {
+ #
+ # Set item to value requested
+ #
+ my ($items,$value) = @_;
+ my @items = split(/,/,$items);
+ foreach my $item (@items) {
+ if (defined($state{$item})) {
+ $state{$item}->{'value'} = "$value";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "State '$item' not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub change_values {
+ #
+ # Look for all values of a given type, set requested value to OK
+ # and all other values to CRITICAL
+ #
+ my ($argument,$type,$error1,$error2) = @_;
+ if ((defined($state{$argument})) &&
+ ($state{$argument}->{'type'} eq "$type")) {
+ for my $key ( keys %state ) {
+ if ($state{$key}->{'type'} eq "$type") {
+ if ($key eq $argument) {
+ &set_values($argument,'OK');
+ } else {
+ &set_values($key,'CRITICAL');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ &myexit('UNKNOWN',"$error1 option only works for $error2");
+ }
+sub myexit {
+ #
+ # Print error message and exit
+ #
+ my ($error, $message) = @_;
+ if (!(defined($errorcodes{$error}))) {
+ printf STDERR "Error code $error not known\n";
+ print "DRBD UNKNOWN: $message\n";
+ exit $errorcodes{'UNKNOWN'}->{'retvalue'};
+ }
+ print "DRBD $error: $message\n";
+ exit $errorcodes{$error}->{'retvalue'};
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/control b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f93c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/control
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Watch: prog_revision='([0-9.]+)';
+Uploaders: Jan Wagner <>
+Description: plugin to check DRBD device states
+ This plugin is for checking DRBD device states. It parses the
+ /proc/drbd device and analyses the output.
+Version: 0.5.3
diff --git a/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/copyright b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e32738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagios-plugins-contrib-24.20190301~bpo9+1/check_drbd/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (C) Brandon Lee Poyner <>
+The nagios plugins come with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute
+copies of the plugins under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
+Public License version 1 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-1".