Of git, get, and gud

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authorH. P. <coding _æ_> 2022-06-24 11:20:27 +0200
committerH. P. <coding _æ_> 2022-06-24 11:20:27 +0200
commitea4f44be00b3deb6f78c6b70cbeacffed003144e (patch)
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sounds/sts-herrin-des-feuers.rsc b/sounds/sts-herrin-des-feuers.rsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c52b5d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sounds/sts-herrin-des-feuers.rsc
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# MIDI player by MikroTourette 2017
+# with enhancements by jgro 2022
+# local notes section by lirion 2022
+# notes is array of MIDI notes with optional length: note/length
+# Length is number of ticks. If omitted, length will be set to $defaultTicks.
+# Use 0 for rests.
+:local notes 62/8,60/8,58/8,57/8,67/8,58/8,65/8,63/8,65/16,67/8,63/8,62/4,63/4,62/4,60/4,62/8,55/8,62/8,60/8,58/8,57/8,67/8,58/8,65/8,63/8,65/16,67/8,63/8,62/16,62/8,55/8,62/8,60/8,58/8,57/8,67/8,58/8,65/8,63/8,65/16,67/8,63/8,62/4,63/4,62/4,60/4,62/8,55/8,62/8,60/8,58/8,57/8,67/8,58/8,65/8,63/8,65/16,67/8,63/8,62/16,62/8,55/8,62/32,70/16,67/16,69/24,70/8,69/32,62/32,67/16,65/16,69/48,63/8,60/8,62/32,70/16,67/16,69/24,70/8,69/32,67/32,65/16,63/16,62/56,0/8;
+# Tempo
+# Because clock resolution is only 10ms, you need much longer ticks than standard MIDI
+:local tick 50ms; # length of a tick
+:local defaultTicks 4; # default number of ticks for a note
+:local stacc 10ms; # length of break between notes
+:local transpose 0; # number to add to or subtract from each note (12 is 1 octave)
+# MIDI player
+# Frequencies from C9 (MIDI 120) through B9 (beyond MIDI top note of 127)
+:local frqtab 8372,8869,9397,9956,10548,11175,11839,12543,13288,14080,14916,15804;
+:local n0; :local n;
+:local d0; :local d;
+:local l;
+:local midi;
+:local i;
+:local octa;
+:local frq;
+:local tones;
+:local durations;
+:for i from=0 to= ([:len $notes]-1) do={
+ :local entry [:pick $notes $i];
+ :local div [:find $entry "/"];
+ :if ([:typeof $div] = "nil") do={
+ :set tones ($tones, $entry);
+ :set durations ($durations, $defaultTicks);
+ } else={
+ :set tones ($tones, [:pick $entry 0 $div]);
+ :set durations ($durations, [:pick $entry ($div + 1) [:len $entry]]);
+ }
+:for i from=0 to= ([:len $notes]-1) do={
+ :set midi [:pick $tones $i];
+ :set midi ($midi + $transpose);
+ :set octa 0;
+ :while ($midi < 120) do={:set midi ($midi + 12); :set octa ($octa + 1); };
+ :set midi ($midi % 12);
+ :set frq [:tonum [:pick $frqtab $midi]];
+ :set frq ($frq>>($octa));
+ :set d0 [:pick $durations $i];
+ :set d ($d0 * $tick );
+ :set l ($d0 * ($tick - $stacc));
+ # :put $midi;
+ # :put $frq;
+ # :put $octa;
+ if ($frq >= 20) do={
+ :beep frequency=$frq length=$l;
+ }
+ :delay $d;