Of git, get, and gud

diff options
authorH. P. <coding _æ_> 2024-04-14 21:42:21 +0200
committerH. P. <coding _æ_> 2024-04-14 21:42:21 +0200
commit05b3f499f84f918f7fcd890a595d27cbe66c1b9a (patch)
parenteef7c0fa1f07dde0ae01803bcda92d40fe743da8 (diff)
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/patch.bak b/patch.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fde63e..0000000
--- a/patch.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-# You may want to change the default to your favourite host (group) you run this on the most.
-- hosts: "{{ runtime_hosts | default('CHANGE_ME') }}"
- order: inventory
- gather_facts: false
- # default: all in first step, but that shit requires (int)
- serial: 666
- tasks:
- - name: Gather necessary facts
- setup:
- filter: "ansible_distribution*"
- - name: Set up Red Hat and derivatives
- debug:
- msg: "System is {{ansible_distribution}} {{ansible_distribution_version}}, checking in."
- when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat"
- changed_when: true
- notify: "redhat upd"
- - name: Set up Debian and derivatives
- debug:
- msg: "System is {{ansible_distribution}} {{ansible_distribution_version}}, checking in."
- when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian"
- changed_when: true
- notify: "debian upd"
- - name: Set up SUSE and derivatives
- debug:
- msg: "System is {{ansible_distribution}} {{ansible_distribution_version}}, checking in."
- # SuSE was "renamed" to SUSE somewhen around SLES 11 (now SLE :-} ), so we'll check for both. Even though generation 11
- # repositories should be pretty ...deaddish by now.
- when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "SUSE" or ansible_distribution_file_variety == "SuSE"
- changed_when: true
- notify: "suse upd"
- - name: Set up Arch and derivatives
- debug:
- msg: "System is {{ansible_distribution}} ({{ansible_distribution_file_variety}}), checking in."
- when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Archlinux"
- changed_when: true
- notify: "arch upd"
- handlers:
- - name: Update yum/dnf cache (RHEL)
- # We want to see a dedicated failure if the repos cannot be fetched already.
- # Cheating here: yum wants a "state" statement to be placed before it takes action, and then - other than stated in the docs -
- # we can trigger an action containing update_cache without "name" being mandatory. So we will have no package present with
- # updated cache :-)
- yum:
- state: present
- update_cache: "yes"
- validate_certs: "yes"
- become: true
- listen: "redhat upd"
- - name: Update repository cache (Debian)
- apt:
- update_cache: "yes"
- become: true
- listen: "debian upd"
- - name: Update repository cache (Arch)
- pacman:
- update_cache: "yes"
- become: true
- listen: "arch upd"
- - name: Check for upgrades (RHEL)
- # yum check-upgrade would normally throw an RC 100 if updates are available.
- # But through ansible: RC0! Weeeee
- shell: /usr/bin/yum -q -C check-upgrade 2>/dev/null | wc -l
- args:
- warn: false
- register: yue
- changed_when: yue.stdout|int > 1
- become: true
- listen: "redhat upd"
- notify:
- - "redhat updates available"
- - "rkhunter"
- - name: Check for upgrades (Debian)
- shell:
- cmd: apt list --upgradable 2>/dev/null | grep -v ^Listing | wc -l
- register: aue
- # apt will throw an error because it doesn't like piping yet.
- # for our purposes, however, everything has already been sufficiently implemented.
- failed_when: false
- changed_when: aue.stdout|int > 0
- notify:
- - "debian updates available"
- - "rkhunter"
- listen: "debian upd"
- - name: Check for upgrades (Arch)
- # TODO: pikaur
- shell: /usr/bin/pacman -Qu
- become: true
- register: pue
- failed_when: pue.rc|int > 1
- changed_when: pue.rc|int == 0
- notify:
- - "arch updates available"
- - "rkhunter"
- listen: "arch upd"
- - name: Check for existence of rkhunter
- stat:
- path: /usr/bin/rkhunter
- register: rkhex
- ignore_errors: true
- no_log: true
- # yum always tosses this arbitrary extra line at you, a simple tr -s does not eradicate it, so - well,
- # 0 and 1 are fine. As explained above, the RC is worthless when run through ansible.
- listen: "rkhunter"
- changed_when:
- - rkhex.stat is defined
- - rkhex.stat.executable is defined
- - rkhex.stat.executable == true
- notify: "rkhunter execution"
- - name: rkhunter pre-check
- shell: rkhunter -c --sk --rwo --ns
- become: true
- no_log: true
- listen: "rkhunter execution"
- - name: Upgrade all installed packages (RHEL)
- yum:
- name: '*'
- state: latest
- validate_certs: "yes"
- skip_broken: "yes"
- become: true
- listen: "redhat updates available"
- # Auto-removal is broken and will nuke packages we previously selected through e.g. ansible.
- # See ansible issue #60349. Leaving commented out. -- pff
- # - name: Auto-removal of orphaned dependencies (RHEL)
- # yum:
- # autoremove: "yes"
- # when: (ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat") or (ansible_distribution == "Red Hat Enterprise Linux") or (ansible_distribution == "CentOS")
- - name: Register requirement for reboot (RHEL)
- command: needs-restarting -r
- ignore_errors: "yes"
- register: nr
- changed_when: "nr.rc > 0"
- failed_when: false
- notify: "Reboot if required"
- become: true
- # we listen to "redhat upd" here in case a previous reboot was not executed. If undesired, change to "redhat updates available".
- listen: "redhat upd"
- - name: Clean packages cache (Debian)
- command: apt clean
- become: true
- listen: "debian upd"
- - name: Upgrade packages (Debian)
- apt:
- upgrade: dist
- become: true
- listen: "debian updates available"
- - name: Remove dependencies that are no longer required (Debian)
- apt:
- autoremove: "yes"
- purge: "yes"
- become: true
- # we listen to "debian upd" here in case a previous cleanup was skipped. Change to "debian updates available" if undesired.
- listen: "debian upd"
-# - name: Check for existence of needrestart (Debian)
-# stat:
-# path: /usr/sbin/needrestart
-# register: nrex
-# ignore_errors: "yes"
-# no_log: true
-# failed_when: false
-# changed_when:
-# - nrex.stat.exists == true
-# - nrex.stat.executable == true
-# # we listen to "debian upd" here in case a previous reboot was not executed. If undesired, change to "debian updates available".
-# notify: "debian needrestart"
-# listen: "debian upd"
-# - name: Check for outdated kernel (Debian)
-# shell: /usr/sbin/needrestart -pk
-# register: kernout
-# when:
-# - nrex.stat.exists == true
-# - nrex.stat.executable == true
-# become: true
-# changed_when: "kernout.rc|int == 1"
-# listen: "debian needrestart"
-# notify: "Reboot if required"
-# # failed_when necessary to have a change for RC 1 instead of a failure
-# failed_when: kernout.rc > 1
- - name: Upgrade packages (Arch)
- pacman:
- # DO NOT RUN payman -Sy instead of pacman -Syu, i.e. avoid partial upgrades:
- update_cache: "yes"
- upgrade: "yes"
- become: true
- listen: "arch updates available"
- - name: Check for existence of needrestart (Debian, Arch)
- stat:
- path: /usr/sbin/needrestart
- register: nrex
- ignore_errors: "yes"
- no_log: true
- failed_when: false
- changed_when:
- - nrex.stat.exists == true
- - nrex.stat.executable == true
- # we listen to "debian upd" here in case a previous reboot was not executed. If undesired, change to "debian updates available".
- notify:
- - "debian arch needrestart"
- listen:
- - "debian upd"
- - "arch upd"
- - name: Check for outdated kernel (Debian, Arch)
- shell: /usr/sbin/needrestart -pk
- register: kernout
- when:
- - nrex.stat.exists == true
- - nrex.stat.executable == true
- become: true
- changed_when: "kernout.rc|int == 1"
- listen: "debian arch needrestart"
- notify: "Reboot if required"
- # failed_when necessary to have a change for RC 1 instead of a failure
- failed_when: kernout.rc > 2
- - name: Check for outdated services (Debian, Arch)
- shell: /usr/sbin/needrestart -pl
- register: svcout
- when:
- - nrex.stat.exists == true
- - nrex.stat.executable == true
- become: true
- changed_when: "svcout.rc|int == 1"
- listen: "debian arch needrestart"
- # we'll play it safe here: outdated services? --> reboot.
- notify: "Reboot if required"
- # failed_when necessary to have a change for RC 1 instead of a failure
- failed_when: svcout.rc > 2
- - name: Update zypper cache (SUSE)
- # we cannot cheat like we did with yum: we need to update any package to refresh the cache with the zypper module. Hence falling back
- # to shell.
- shell: |
- zypper refs && zypper ref
- become: true
- listen: "suse upd"
- - name: Verify Zypper repository availability
- # Now, here's the thing with zypper. If you have a dead repository, you need to face the following facts:
- # 1. All output goes to stdout. For zypper lu at least on SLE12/openSUSE42 and earlier, this is:
- # - The packages available for update
- # - Debug output lik "loading repository data..." and "reading installed packages..."
- # (could be silenced with -q, but without RC feedback we need the debug strings again, kek.)
- # - WARNING(!!) messages
- # ... there is no STDERR.
- # 2. There is no return code other than 0 for warnings.
- # Great. Interaction with automatisms as if that stuff came directly from Redmond.
- # So we need to parse the fucking output string in ansible. Let's start with the "repository not available" warnings.
- debug:
- msg: "Dead repositories existing and no update present, we consider this a failure."
- when:
- - zypperlu is search("Repository.*appears to be outdated")
- - zypperlu is search("No updates found")
- listen: "zypperlu"
- failed_when: true
- - name: Update all packages (SUSE)
- # we could narrow this down via type:patch, but that's about all. So fire away.
- zypper:
- name: '*'
- state: latest
- become: true
- # TODO: suse not productive yet, so we choose an arbitrary listener here. Change to something meaningful when going to production.
- listen: "suse upd"
- - name: Register requirement for reboot (SUSE)
- # change in paradigm: we will now use "needs-rebooting", suse implemented that somewhere between 12 and 15, instead of "ps -sss"
- # shell: zypper ps -sss
- # todo: what to do if services require a refork?
- # shell: zypper ps -sss
- shell: zypper needs-rebooting
- args:
- warn: false
- register: zyppout
- changed_when: zyppout.rc == 102
- failed_when: zyppout.rc != 102 and zyppout.rc != 0
- notify: "Reboot if required"
- # we listen to "suse upd" here in case a previous reboot was skipped. Change to "suse updates available" if undesired.
- listen: "suse upd"
- - name: Clean packages cache (RHEL)
- # ansible's yum module does not have a dedicated action for this. So shell it is.
- # CAUTION: This will only work as long as modern RHEL derivatives (RHEL/CentOS >=8, Fedora >=30) will have yum available as pseudo-alias to dnf.
- # Also, despite yum not offering this feature, ansible will warn that there is a yum module and we should consider using it. Turning warnings off.
- args:
- warn: false
- shell: yum clean packages
- become: true
- # we listen to "redhat upd" here in case a previous cleanup was skipped. Change to "redhat updates available" if undesired.
- listen: "redhat upd"
- - name: Clean apt cache (Debian)
- # ansible's apt module does not have a dedicated action for this yet. So shell it is:
- shell: apt clean
- become: true
- # here, we already listen to "debian updates available" already since we already did a more generic cleanup above (unless narrowed down as well)
- listen: "debian updates available"
- - name: Clean packages cache (SUSE)
- # ansible's zypper module does not have a dedicated action for this yet. So shell it is:
- shell: zypper clean
- become: true
- # we listen to "suse upd" here in case a previous cleanup was skipped. Change to "suse updates available" if undesired.
- listen: "suse upd"
- - name: rkhunter properties update
- command: rkhunter --propupd --rwo --ns
- become: true
- listen: "rkhunter execution"
- - name: Reboot if required
- # ignore_errors: yes
- reboot:
- reboot_timeout: 300
- pre_reboot_delay: 5
- test_command: uptime
- reboot_command: "/bin/systemctl reboot"
- become: true