Of git, get, and gud

BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
handlers_to_rolesscavengerH. P. 5 months
masterscavengerH. P. 5 months
2.0ansible-2.0.tar.bz2  H. P. 5 months
1.0ansible-1.0.tar.bz2  H. P. 2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2024-04-14scavengerHEAD2.0masterhandlers_to_rolesH. P. 1-309/+0
2024-04-14bugfix: 'order: inventory' is the way to goH. P. 1-6/+4
2024-04-14Code fixesH. P. 4-40/+32
2024-04-14+SUSEH. P. 2-1/+114
2024-04-14Late commit: Red Hat role playbookH. P. 3-2/+100
2024-04-14Change host selection to pattern matching based on OSH. P. 1-0/+21
2024-04-14Code improvements: FQCNs, boolean handling, shell/commandH. P. 2-21/+27
2024-04-14patch: reboot if needrestart cannot determine reboot requirementH. P. 1-7/+2
2024-04-14bugfixes: query dict keys' existenceH. P. 1-1/+2
2024-04-14InComm: Roles to Handlers: Debian doneH. P. 3-0/+116