#!/bin/sh # ######################################################################## # This program is part of $PROJECT_NAME$ # License: GPL License (see COPYING) # Authors: # Baron Schwartz, Roman Vynar # ######################################################################## # ######################################################################## # Redirect STDERR to STDOUT; Nagios doesn't handle STDERR. # ######################################################################## exec 2>&1 # ######################################################################## # Set up constants, etc. # ######################################################################## STATE_OK=0 STATE_WARNING=1 STATE_CRITICAL=2 STATE_UNKNOWN=3 STATE_DEPENDENT=4 # ######################################################################## # Run the program. # ######################################################################## main() { # Get options for o; do case "${o}" in -w) shift; OPT_WARN="${1}"; shift; ;; -d) shift; ;; # left for backward-compatibility -c) shift; OPT_CRIT="${1}"; shift; ;; --version) grep -A2 '^=head1 VERSION' "$0" | tail -n1; exit 0 ;; --help) perl -00 -ne 'm/^ Usage:/ && print' "$0"; exit 0 ;; -*) echo "Unknown option ${o}. Try --help."; exit 1; ;; esac done OPT_WARN=${OPT_WARN:-90} OPT_CRIT=${OPT_CRIT:-95} if is_not_sourced; then if [ -n "$1" ]; then echo "WARN spurious command-line options: $@" exit 1 fi fi NOTE="UNK cannot find memory statistics" TEMP=$(mktemp -t "${0##*/}.XXXXXX") || exit $? trap "rm -f '${TEMP}' >/dev/null 2>&1" EXIT if [ -e /proc/meminfo ] && cat /proc/meminfo > "${TEMP}" ; then USD_PCT=$(get_used_memory_linux "${TEMP}") elif which sysctl > /dev/null && sysctl -a > "${TEMP}" ; then USD_PCT=$(get_used_memory_bsd "${TEMP}") else echo $NOTE exit fi NOTE="Memory ${USD_PCT}% used" if [ "${USD_PCT:-0}" -ge "${OPT_CRIT}" ]; then NOTE="CRIT $NOTE. $(get_largest_process)" elif [ "${USD_PCT:-0}" -ge "${OPT_WARN}" ]; then NOTE="WARN $NOTE. $(get_largest_process)" else NOTE="OK $NOTE" fi # Build the common perf data output for graph trending PERFDATA="memory_used=${USD_PCT:-0};${OPT_WARN};${OPT_CRIT};0;100" echo "$NOTE | $PERFDATA" } # ######################################################################## # Find the largest process # ######################################################################## get_largest_process () { ALL_PROCS=$(ps axo pid,%mem,ucomm | sort -k2 -nr) BIGGEST=$(echo $ALL_PROCS | head -n 1) BIG_PID=$(echo $BIGGEST | cut -d' ' -f1) BIG_MEM=$(echo $BIGGEST | cut -d' ' -f2) BIG_COMMAND=$(echo $BIGGEST | cut -d' ' -f3) echo "Largest process: ${BIG_COMMAND} (${BIG_PID}) = ${BIG_MEM}%" } # ######################################################################## # Get the used memory from /proc/meminfo # Consider MemAvailable if available in the file (starting procps-ng 3.3.10). # See https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=34e431b0ae398fc54ea69ff85ec700722c9da773 # ######################################################################## get_used_memory_linux() { awk '/^MemTotal:/ {total = $2;} /^MemFree:/ {free = $2;} /^MemAvailable:/ {avail = $2;} /^Buffers:/ {buffers = $2;} /^Cached:/ {cached = $2; if (avail == "") avail = free + buffers + cached; printf "%d\n", (total - avail) / total * 100;}' "$1" } # ######################################################################## # Get the used memory from sysctl for BSD systems # ######################################################################## get_used_memory_bsd() { awk '/vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count:/ {cache = $2} /vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count:/ {inactive = $2} /vm.stats.vm.v_free_count:/ {free = $2} /vm.stats.vm.v_page_count:/ { total = $2; used = total - inactive - cache - free; printf "%d\n", used / total * 100}' "$1" } # ######################################################################## # Determine whether this program is being executed directly, or sourced/included # from another file. # ######################################################################## is_not_sourced() { [ "${0##*/}" = "pmp-check-unix-memory" ] || [ "${0##*/}" = "bash" -a "$_" = "$0" ] } # ######################################################################## # Execute the program if it was not included from another file. # This makes it possible to include without executing, and thus test. # ######################################################################## if is_not_sourced; then OUTPUT=$(main "$@") EXITSTATUS=$STATE_UNKNOWN case "${OUTPUT}" in UNK*) EXITSTATUS=$STATE_UNKNOWN; ;; OK*) EXITSTATUS=$STATE_OK; ;; WARN*) EXITSTATUS=$STATE_WARNING; ;; CRIT*) EXITSTATUS=$STATE_CRITICAL; ;; esac echo "${OUTPUT}" exit $EXITSTATUS fi # ############################################################################ # Documentation # ############################################################################ : <<'DOCUMENTATION' =pod =head1 NAME pmp-check-unix-memory - Alert on low memory. =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: pmp-check-unix-memory [OPTIONS] Options: -c CRIT Critical threshold; default 95%. -w WARN Warning threshold; default 90%. --help Print help and exit. --version Print version and exit. Options must be given as --option value, not --option=value or -Ovalue. Use perldoc to read embedded documentation with more details. =head1 DESCRIPTION This Nagios plugin examines C (Linux) or the output of C (BSD) to check whether the system is running out of memory and finds the largest process in memory from C output. The plugin is tested on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. =head1 PRIVILEGES This plugin does not access MySQL. This plugin executes the following UNIX commands that may need special privileges: =over =item * cat /proc/meminfo (Linux), sysctl (BSD) =item * ps =back =head1 COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, AND WARRANTY This program is copyright 2012-$CURRENT_YEAR$ Baron Schwartz, 2012-$CURRENT_YEAR$ Percona Inc. Feedback and improvements are welcome. THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. =head1 VERSION $PROJECT_NAME$ pmp-check-unix-memory $VERSION$ =cut DOCUMENTATION