#!/usr/bin/env python """Nagios plugin for Amazon RDS monitoring. This program is part of $PROJECT_NAME$ License: GPL License (see COPYING) Author Roman Vynar Copyright 2014-2015 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates """ import datetime import optparse import pprint import sys import boto import boto.rds import boto.ec2.cloudwatch # Nagios status codes OK = 0 WARNING = 1 CRITICAL = 2 UNKNOWN = 3 class RDS(object): """RDS connection class""" def __init__(self, region, profile=None, identifier=None): """Get RDS instance details""" self.region = region self.profile = profile self.identifier = identifier if self.region == 'all': self.regions_list = [reg.name for reg in boto.rds.regions()] else: self.regions_list = [self.region] self.info = None if self.identifier: for reg in self.regions_list: try: rds = boto.rds.connect_to_region(reg, profile_name=self.profile) self.info = rds.get_all_dbinstances(self.identifier) except (boto.provider.ProfileNotFoundError, boto.exception.BotoServerError) as msg: debug(msg) else: # Exit on the first region and identifier match self.region = reg break def get_info(self): """Get RDS instance info""" if self.info: return self.info[0] else: return None def get_list(self): """Get list of available instances by region(s)""" result = dict() for reg in self.regions_list: try: rds = boto.rds.connect_to_region(reg, profile_name=self.profile) result[reg] = rds.get_all_dbinstances() except (boto.provider.ProfileNotFoundError, boto.exception.BotoServerError) as msg: debug(msg) return result def get_metric(self, metric, start_time, end_time, step): """Get RDS metric from CloudWatch""" cw_conn = boto.ec2.cloudwatch.connect_to_region(self.region, profile_name=self.profile) result = cw_conn.get_metric_statistics( step, start_time, end_time, metric, 'AWS/RDS', 'Average', dimensions={'DBInstanceIdentifier': [self.identifier]} ) if result: if len(result) > 1: # Get the last point result = sorted(result, key=lambda k: k['Timestamp']) result.reverse() result = float('%.2f' % result[0]['Average']) return result def debug(val): """Debugging output""" global options if options.debug: print 'DEBUG: %s' % val def main(): """Main function""" global options short_status = { OK: 'OK', WARNING: 'WARN', CRITICAL: 'CRIT', UNKNOWN: 'UNK' } # DB instance classes as listed on # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html db_classes = { 'db.t1.micro': 0.615, 'db.m1.small': 1.7, 'db.m1.medium': 3.75, 'db.m1.large': 7.5, 'db.m1.xlarge': 15, 'db.m4.large': 8, 'db.m4.xlarge': 16, 'db.m4.2xlarge': 32, 'db.m4.4xlarge': 64, 'db.m4.10xlarge': 160, 'db.r3.large': 15, 'db.r3.xlarge': 30.5, 'db.r3.2xlarge': 61, 'db.r3.4xlarge': 122, 'db.r3.8xlarge': 244, 'db.t2.micro': 1, 'db.t2.small': 2, 'db.t2.medium': 4, 'db.t2.large': 8, 'db.m3.medium': 3.75, 'db.m3.large': 7.5, 'db.m3.xlarge': 15, 'db.m3.2xlarge': 30, 'db.m2.xlarge': 17.1, 'db.m2.2xlarge': 34.2, 'db.m2.4xlarge': 68.4, 'db.cr1.8xlarge': 244, } # RDS metrics http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/DeveloperGuide/rds-metricscollected.html metrics = { 'status': 'RDS availability', 'load': 'CPUUtilization', 'memory': 'FreeableMemory', 'storage': 'FreeStorageSpace' } units = ('percent', 'GB') # Parse options parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-l', '--list', help='list of all DB instances', action='store_true', default=False, dest='db_list') parser.add_option('-n', '--profile', default=None, help='AWS profile from ~/.boto or /etc/boto.cfg. Default: None, fallbacks to "[Credentials]".') parser.add_option('-r', '--region', default='us-east-1', help='AWS region. Default: us-east-1. If set to "all", we try to detect the instance region ' 'across all of them, note this will be slower than if you specify the region explicitly.') parser.add_option('-i', '--ident', help='DB instance identifier') parser.add_option('-p', '--print', help='print status and other details for a given DB instance', action='store_true', default=False, dest='printinfo') parser.add_option('-m', '--metric', help='metric to check: [%s]' % ', '.join(metrics.keys())) parser.add_option('-w', '--warn', help='warning threshold') parser.add_option('-c', '--crit', help='critical threshold') parser.add_option('-u', '--unit', help='unit of thresholds for "storage" and "memory" metrics: [%s].' 'Default: percent' % ', '.join(units), default='percent') parser.add_option('-t', '--time', help='time period in minutes to query. Default: 5', type='int', default=5) parser.add_option('-a', '--avg', help='time average in minutes to request. Default: 1', type='int', default=1) parser.add_option('-f', '--forceunknown', help='force alerts on unknown status. This prevents issues related to ' 'AWS Cloudwatch throttling limits Default: False', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', help='enable debug output', action='store_true', default=False) options, _ = parser.parse_args() if options.debug: boto.set_stream_logger('boto') rds = RDS(region=options.region, profile=options.profile, identifier=options.ident) # Check args if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit() elif options.db_list: info = rds.get_list() print 'List of all DB instances in %s region(s):' % (options.region,) pprint.pprint(info) sys.exit() elif not options.ident: parser.print_help() parser.error('DB identifier is not set.') elif options.printinfo: info = rds.get_info() if info: pprint.pprint(vars(info)) else: print 'No DB instance "%s" found on your AWS account and %s region(s).' % (options.ident, options.region) sys.exit() elif not options.metric or options.metric not in metrics.keys(): parser.print_help() parser.error('Metric is not set or not valid.') elif not options.warn and options.metric != 'status': parser.print_help() parser.error('Warning threshold is not set.') elif not options.crit and options.metric != 'status': parser.print_help() parser.error('Critical threshold is not set.') elif options.avg <= 0 and options.metric != 'status': parser.print_help() parser.error('Average must be greater than zero.') elif options.time <= 0 and options.metric != 'status': parser.print_help() parser.error('Time must be greater than zero.') now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() status = None note = '' perf_data = None # RDS Status if options.metric == 'status': info = rds.get_info() if not info: status = UNKNOWN note = 'Unable to get RDS instance' else: status = OK try: version = info.EngineVersion except: version = info.engine_version note = '%s %s. Status: %s' % (info.engine, version, info.status) # RDS Load Average elif options.metric == 'load': # Check thresholds try: warns = [float(x) for x in options.warn.split(',')] crits = [float(x) for x in options.crit.split(',')] fail = len(warns) + len(crits) except: fail = 0 if fail != 6: parser.error('Warning and critical thresholds should be 3 comma separated numbers, e.g. 20,15,10') loads = [] fail = False j = 0 perf_data = [] for i in [1, 5, 15]: if i == 1: # Some stats are delaying to update on CloudWatch. # Let's pick a few points for 1-min load avg and get the last point. points = 5 else: points = i load = rds.get_metric(metrics[options.metric], now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=points * 60), now, i * 60) if not load: status = UNKNOWN note = 'Unable to get RDS statistics' perf_data = None break loads.append(str(load)) perf_data.append('load%s=%s;%s;%s;0;100' % (i, load, warns[j], crits[j])) # Compare thresholds if not fail: if warns[j] > crits[j]: parser.error('Parameter inconsistency: warning threshold is greater than critical.') elif load >= crits[j]: status = CRITICAL fail = True elif load >= warns[j]: status = WARNING j = j + 1 if status != UNKNOWN: if status is None: status = OK note = 'Load average: %s%%' % '%, '.join(loads) perf_data = ' '.join(perf_data) # RDS Free Storage # RDS Free Memory elif options.metric in ['storage', 'memory']: # Check thresholds try: warn = float(options.warn) crit = float(options.crit) except: parser.error('Warning and critical thresholds should be integers.') if crit > warn: parser.error('Parameter inconsistency: critical threshold is greater than warning.') if options.unit not in units: parser.print_help() parser.error('Unit is not valid.') info = rds.get_info() free = rds.get_metric(metrics[options.metric], now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=options.time * 60), now, options.avg * 60) if not info or not free: status = UNKNOWN note = 'Unable to get RDS details and statistics' else: if options.metric == 'storage': storage = float(info.allocated_storage) elif options.metric == 'memory': try: storage = db_classes[info.instance_class] except: print 'Unknown DB instance class "%s"' % info.instance_class sys.exit(CRITICAL) free = '%.2f' % (free / 1024 ** 3) free_pct = '%.2f' % (float(free) / storage * 100) if options.unit == 'percent': val = float(free_pct) val_max = 100 elif options.unit == 'GB': val = float(free) val_max = storage # Compare thresholds if val <= crit: status = CRITICAL elif val <= warn: status = WARNING if status is None: status = OK note = 'Free %s: %s GB (%.0f%%) of %s GB' % (options.metric, free, float(free_pct), storage) perf_data = 'free_%s=%s;%s;%s;0;%s' % (options.metric, val, warn, crit, val_max) # Final output if status != UNKNOWN and perf_data: print '%s %s | %s' % (short_status[status], note, perf_data) elif status == UNKNOWN and not options.forceunknown: print '%s %s | null' % ('OK', note) sys.exit(0) else: print '%s %s' % (short_status[status], note) sys.exit(status) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # ############################################################################ # Documentation # ############################################################################ """ =pod =head1 NAME pmp-check-aws-rds.py - Check Amazon RDS metrics. =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: pmp-check-aws-rds.py [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l, --list list of all DB instances -n PROFILE, --profile-name=PROFILE AWS profile from ~/.boto or /etc/boto.cfg. Default: None, fallbacks to "[Credentials]". -r REGION, --region=REGION AWS region. Default: us-east-1. If set to "all", we try to detect the instance region across all of them, note this will be slower than you specify the region. -i IDENT, --ident=IDENT DB instance identifier -p, --print print status and other details for a given DB instance -m METRIC, --metric=METRIC metric to check: [status, load, storage, memory] -w WARN, --warn=WARN warning threshold -c CRIT, --crit=CRIT critical threshold -u UNIT, --unit=UNIT unit of thresholds for "storage" and "memory" metrics: [percent, GB]. Default: percent -t TIME, --time=TIME time period in minutes to query. Default: 5 -a AVG, --avg=AVG time average in minutes to request. Default: 1 -f, --forceunknown force alerts on unknown status. This prevents issues related to AWS Cloudwatch throttling limits Default: False -d, --debug enable debug output =head1 REQUIREMENTS This plugin is written on Python and utilizes the module C (Python interface to Amazon Web Services) to get various RDS metrics from CloudWatch and compare them against the thresholds. * Install the package: C or C * Create a config /etc/boto.cfg or ~nagios/.boto with your AWS API credentials. See http://code.google.com/p/boto/wiki/BotoConfig This plugin that is supposed to be run by Nagios, i.e. under ``nagios`` user, should have permissions to read the config /etc/boto.cfg or ~nagios/.boto. Example: [root@centos6 ~]# cat /etc/boto.cfg [Credentials] aws_access_key_id = THISISATESTKEY aws_secret_access_key = thisisatestawssecretaccesskey If you do not use this config with other tools such as our Cacti script, you can secure this file the following way: [root@centos6 ~]# chown nagios /etc/boto.cfg [root@centos6 ~]# chmod 600 /etc/boto.cfg =head1 DESCRIPTION The plugin provides 4 checks and some options to list and print RDS details: * RDS Status * RDS Load Average * RDS Free Storage * RDS Free Memory To get the list of all RDS instances under AWS account: # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -l To get the detailed status of RDS instance identified as C: # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -i blackbox -p Nagios check for the overall status. Useful if you want to set the rest of the checks dependent from this one: # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -i blackbox -m status OK mysql 5.1.63. Status: available Nagios check for CPU utilization, specify thresholds as percentage of 1-min., 5-min., 15-min. average accordingly: # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -i blackbox -m load -w 90,85,80 -c 98,95,90 OK Load average: 18.36%, 18.51%, 15.95% | load1=18.36;90.0;98.0;0;100 load5=18.51;85.0;95.0;0;100 load15=15.95;80.0;90.0;0;100 Nagios check for the free memory, specify thresholds as percentage: # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -i blackbox -m memory -w 5 -c 2 OK Free memory: 5.90 GB (9%) of 68 GB | free_memory=8.68;5.0;2.0;0;100 # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -i blackbox -m memory -u GB -w 4 -c 2 OK Free memory: 5.90 GB (9%) of 68 GB | free_memory=5.9;4.0;2.0;0;68 Nagios check for the free storage space, specify thresholds as percentage or GB: # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -i blackbox -m storage -w 10 -c 5 OK Free storage: 162.55 GB (33%) of 500.0 GB | free_storage=32.51;10.0;5.0;0;100 # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -i blackbox -m storage -u GB -w 10 -c 5 OK Free storage: 162.55 GB (33%) of 500.0 GB | free_storage=162.55;10.0;5.0;0;500.0 By default, the region is set to ``us-east-1``. You can re-define it globally in boto config or specify with -r option. The following command will list all instances across all regions under your AWS account: # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -r all -l The following command will show the status for the first instance identified as ``blackbox`` in all regions: # ./pmp-check-aws-rds.py -r all -i blackbox -p Remember, scanning regions are slower operation than specifying it explicitly. =head1 CONFIGURATION Here is the excerpt of potential Nagios config: define host{ use mysql-host host_name blackbox alias blackbox address blackbox.abcdefgh.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com } define servicedependency{ host_name blackbox service_description RDS Status dependent_service_description RDS Load Average, RDS Free Storage, RDS Free Memory execution_failure_criteria w,c,u,p notification_failure_criteria w,c,u,p } define service{ use active-service host_name blackbox service_description RDS Status check_command check_rds!status!0!0 } define service{ use active-service host_name blackbox service_description RDS Load Average check_command check_rds!load!90,85,80!98,95,90 } define service{ use active-service host_name blackbox service_description RDS Free Storage check_command check_rds!storage!10!5 } define service{ use active-service host_name blackbox service_description RDS Free Memory check_command check_rds!memory!5!2 } define command{ command_name check_rds command_line $USER1$/pmp-check-aws-rds.py -i $HOSTALIAS$ -m $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ } =head1 COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, AND WARRANTY This program is copyright 2014 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates. Feedback and improvements are welcome. THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. =head1 VERSION $PROJECT_NAME$ pmp-check-aws-rds.py $VERSION$ =cut """