Of git, get, and gud





A script that gives you status messages in the vein of classical SysV init functions. I myself have migrated to systemd (stripped of what I don't need ofc, mostly using the resource manager only), but I still like this classical output for many of my scripts.

Files / Folders


This reflects actual system folders, so here you'll find the actual scripts and libraries in the folders you'd put them into on your system.


Only use this if you want to install the files underneath fs directly. No common target, either use tab completion of make or read the Makefile yourself.


Stuff I use for building packages you would install on a target OS if you do not want to care about distribution yourself.

Currently I am using nfpm for this. It can build debs, rpms, and even apks - I don't care about other OSes now and I especially don't care about broken OSes that never were built for proper mass administration in the first place (i.e. Windows/MSI). Most of my stuff is not built for that anyway.

Right now, nfpm quickly suited my needs. Should I change this, this doc will also change.