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Of git, get, and gud

Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* here goes another attemptH. P. 2024-07-142-1/+29
* specify branch of submoduleH. P. 2024-07-141-0/+1
* Merge between two machines (again)H. P. 2024-07-141-6/+11
| * Merge between two pulls and machinesH. P. 2024-07-142-0/+3
| |\
| * | +weird sha1collisiondetection submodule in READMEH. P. 2024-07-141-6/+11
| | |
* | | reintroducing main submodule shllow/sparse configH. P. 2024-07-141-0/+2
| |/ |/|
* | working commit for submoduleH. P. 2024-07-142-0/+3
* revampH. P. 2024-07-142-5/+0
* fix: submodule info of git-prompt was garbageH. P. 2024-07-141-1/+3
* inclusion of git promptH. P. 2024-07-145-1/+24
* integrate go binaries in $HOME into PATHH. P. 2024-07-141-1/+1
* Updated submodulesH. P. 2024-05-262-0/+0
* + flake8's cognitive complexityH. P. 2024-05-261-0/+2
* include tofu in gpg trust modelH. P. 2024-05-251-0/+1
* fwiw, return to whitespaces. more bytes, but more interoperability.H. P. 2024-05-251-1/+1
* only use the control master if desired. causes more fuss than solutions on ↵H. P. 2024-05-251-2/+2
| | | | daily use.
* + credential helper, + memory windowH. P. 2024-05-251-0/+6
* more git aliasesv1.1.0H. P. 2024-05-251-0/+8
* don't disable tab warnings anymoreH. P. 2024-05-251-1/+2
* include sshenv file if presentH. P. 2024-05-251-0/+2
* include ~/.local/bin as well, only include dirs that are descendible intoH. P. 2024-05-251-3/+5
* NEW FEATURE: prompt may be quite long, we now start input on a completely ↵H. P. 2024-05-251-2/+2
| | | | new line
* Distinguish between Leap and others (Tumbleweed), current colouring from ↵v1.0.0H. P. 2024-05-251-2/+12
| | | | official websites
* return if reading the fingerprint failedH. P. 2024-05-251-1/+1
* MergeH. P. 2024-05-252-8/+53
| * fix: root colouring for Debian < 12v0.9.5H. P. 2023-05-061-1/+1
| |
| * New colours for Debian > 12 and derivativesH. P. 2023-05-061-4/+38
| | | | | | | | | | | | - Distinguish Debian >= 12 – Debian 12 introduces emerald theming - Corporate work includes refined Ubuntu settings. Adjusting to match Ubuntu >= 22
| * Superseding flake8-colors - considering that deprecatedH. P. 2023-05-061-1/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From flake8 5.0.0 on, flake8 natively supports `--color` [^1], rendering the installation of flake8-colors obsolete. (Kudos so far for the nice work, nonetheless.) Debian 12 (frozen and one month before release at the point of this update) moved flake8 from 3.8.4 to 5.0.4, so I'm moving along. (Also, no need for venv magic anymore.) [^1] [flake8 changelog for 5.0.0](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/release-notes/5.0.0.html)
| * + termuxH. P. 2023-04-081-0/+10
| |
| * fix: non-SLE suse did not apply anywhereH. P. 2023-04-081-2/+2
| |
* | local fixesH. P. 2024-05-255-10/+16
* +pvev0.9.4H. P. 2022-07-261-1/+5
* Revert "+deprecation of ssh-rsa altogether"H. P. 2022-07-171-4/+0
| | | | | | | ssh_config only knows +ALG, not -ALG. :| so either we define a static list of accepted signature algorithms or well... fuckthisshit.jpg. This reverts commit 12a28688d9b25ba3e36ef207a01e8334667813ac.
* +deprecation of ssh-rsa altogetherH. P. 2022-07-171-0/+4
* +par ssh key generationH. P. 2022-07-171-0/+3
* +example paragraph for ssh-rsa connectionsH. P. 2022-07-171-0/+10
* .gitconfig for @8eadf0c5ed061ceee22e4b1a75eaa55eeb72e02aH. P. 2022-07-171-1/+1
* ...in case of confname=hostname*conf...H. P. 2022-07-161-0/+0
* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)